A Name (Oliver x Bing)

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This was requested by ISOmetimeslikefanfic Hope you enjoy!

Bing sighed as he watched Google become four separate beings. Google Blue, the original host body for these beings, stood strong, even though he was clearly weaker.

Red and Green immediately were at his side, taking him away and to his room to let him charge.

However, Google Yellow stayed in the room with Bing, who hadn't looked up from his laptop.

"Hello, I am Google Yellow. It is nice to meet you. I believe you are also an android?" Yellow introduced.

Bing glanced up over his golden tinted glasses, "Yep. The name's Bing."

"Google Blue had a relationship with you prior to myself and Red and Green's arrival, correct?"

Bing shrugged, "You could say that. But I doubt he would."


"He's an good guy, just... he hasn't rested in about two years."

Google Yellow nodded, understanding, "I hope we can get along better than a relationship like that."

Bing closed his laptop, smiling slightly, "Yeah, me too. Ya wanna on a walk with me?"

"I don't exactly have anything else for do, so..." Yellow trailed off.

About ten minutes later, the pair had stopped at Starbucks, Bing ordering for them both as they sat outside.

"So... Yellow, huh?" Bing wondered, and the latter shrugged, "That's what Mark called me."

"But that's too... ordinary. That's what any Google would be called. Like, I'm Bing, which is cool, you need a better name, bro." Bing told him, and sipped his mocha.

"Suggestions?" Yellow wondered, seemingly studying the whipped cream over his coffee.

"I dunno. How about-" Bing was cut off by a St. Bernard puppy jumping up and onto his lap.

He laughed as the owner rushed over, apologizing profusely, while Bing continued to say it was okay.

"Oliver, don't jump on people!" The owner scolded, walking away with the pup.

"That's it!" Bing snapped his fingers.

"What?" Yellow asked, flinching as Bing almost knocked over their drinks.

"Your name is Oliver!" Bing grinned.

Yellow thought about it for a minute before nodding, "I like it!"

"Okay then Ollie, let's go home." Bing grabbed the android's hand as he held his drink in the other.

Oliver raised an eyebrow, "Nicknames so soon?"

Bing smirked, giving him a wink, "I mean, a relationship thrives on adorable nicknaming."

"I don't think that's-"

"Shush, just love me for a few moments."


I wasn't really sure what exactly to do with this ship, honestly... But I hope you liked it!

Remember: I always take suggestions! (Yes, I will take more than one suggestion for a person)

Bye Y'all,✌️🕷️

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