It's Halloween! (All Egos)

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The Septic Egos were all standing around one very crowded bathroom mirror, getting ready to go to the Iplier's. It wasn't exactly a lovely family moment, but instead-

"Anti! Quit turning off the lights!"

"Not my fault, blame Marvin!"


"Tell me I'm wrong."

"Shut up!"

"Chase stop poking me!"

"You can fly, get out of our way!"

"It's like a 7 foot ceiling!"


" We are almost 6 foot."

"...Good point."

"Vill you stop arguing, I am trying to help Jameson, it is his birthday, you know."

"It's your birthday?! Bro, why didn't you tell us?!"

"He's mute, dummy."

"Be quiet, nobody asked you, ya turtle!"

"Run, Chase, run!"


"Anti, please, if you're going to turn off the lights, do it somewhere else."

"Sorry, S34N."

"How did-"

"Hey, has anybody seen Shawn or Robbie?"

"Yeah, Shawn is painting in his room, and Robbie is eating his candy in his room."

"Hopefully he'll pass out and not eat your brains, Chase!"


"Sarcasm, what a language.'
Meanwhile, at the Iplier Mansion, Dark was hosting a meeting.

"The Septics are coming here today for Halloween-" Dark began, but was quickly interrupted.

"Yay! Jamie and I are going to have so much fun!" Wilford grinned, putting his feet on top of the table.

"-but Will, you aren't aloud to go out of the house." Dark continued, frowning.

"Aw, c'mon. Can't a guy but his friend a drink?" Will complained, putting his feet down to pout.



"Perhaps you can go trick or treating? Jameson is still young and it is his birthday. And you can have as much candy as you want." Google pointed out, eyes flashing bright blue.

"Google-" Dark tried to cut him off.

"Trust me, Dark." Google assured.

"Very well. Dr. Iplier?" Dark continued.

"Hm?" Dr. Iplier glanced up from his phone.

"What were you planning on doing with Henrik exactly?"

Dr. Iplier blushed deeply, "Uh, we were uh- ahem... Medical things?"

Dark smirked, but only nodded, "Silver?"

"Oh, yeah," Silver glanced up, "I was taking Jackaboy and Ibis patrolling for a while, then we were coming back to watch some movies."

Before Dark could ask another person, Yan spoke up, "Me and Randall were just going to hang out. Mind if we go now?"

Dark gave a brief tilt of his head, and Yan squealed, grabbing their boyfriend's hand, pulling him out of the meeting room.

Dark turned to Eric, expecting him to follow, and when the boy gave Dark a pleading look, Dark gave him a tiny smile, assuring it was fine.

Eric grabbed King's arm, running up to follow the two lovebirds.

"Welp, Derek and I are gonna leave to go work. We don't really get free days." Ed spoke up.

"Goodbye, then." Dark ushered them out.

"I was going to see what Matthias was doing for Halloween." Bim said, standing and exiting as well.

That left Google, Bing, Wilford, Host, Dark, and the Jim's, who were failing to hide underneath the table.

"The Host bids his farewells, telling the Jims he has a special story for their news so that everyone else may enjoy Halloween." The Host narrated.

"Ooh, a story! Jim, do you think the no-eyed man has a good one?" Reporter Jim asked.

Camera Jim shrugged, and Reported Jim pushed him along to follow The Host into the basement.

"Me and Googs are gonna hang with S34N if that's cool with ya, bro."

"1. Don't call me that ever. 2. That is fine."

That left Wilford and Dark.

"We better wait until they arrive, huh." Will said, grinning.

"Well, we're here, so don't get too excited, cowboys." A glitchy voice startled the two, and they looked over to see Anti flipping his knife over in his hands, seated at the table with his feet propped on top.

"That would be Ed, pally. Not us." Wilford clarified, and Anti rolled his eyes, "How stupid are you two?"

The sound of a gun cocking itself made Anti fall silent, before mumbling, "It was a joke, Jaysus."

Will put away the gun, nodding, "Apology accepted."

"Will, how about you go look for Jameson. Me and Anti have some... talking to do." Dark ordered, and Will left the room, wiggling his eyebrows.

Immediately, Anti pounced towards Dark, grabbing the man's collar and kissing him hard.

Dark instantly kissed back, smirking while he did so, "Rushing, are we?"

Anti giggled, "Well, you didn't say no."

Dark rolled his eyes, leaning in more.

Meanwhile, with Wilford and Jameson.

Wilford crept closer towards the mute, who grinned and waved. The other egos had already gone other places to enjoy their Halloween.

"So, birthday boy, how have you been?" Will asked.

Jameson shrugged, signing back, 'I've missed you, chap!"

Will nodded, getting inches from Jameson's face, before quickly placing their lips together.

Jameson blushed before kissing back.

Wilford pulled apart a moment later, "Now. Let's go trick or treating, shall we?"

The egos of the house all had a great time. For most part, their nights ended in love.

But there was a few spooks that got in...


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