Your Beauty Never Scared Me (Marvin x Monster!Reader)

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A/N- This is not at all related to the actual story behind the song, I just liked the line lol. Scenario requested by @Maxnethesimp like two years ago lmao. Extremely late like everything I do. Also this is my first time doing an xreader or y/n story so yeah. Enjoy!

(Also, TW for relatively tame depictions of gore)

"Y/N! This isn't you!" Marvin yelled up, a green mist surrounding his body as he watched you crazily sprint atop the rooftops, chasing after Jackie. The hero was struggling to move, his leg severely disfigured due to one of your outbursts. You jumped forward suddenly, landing with a loud thud just in front of Jackie, who instantly started to back up, nearly reaching the edge of the building. Your eyes glowed red as you gritted your sharp teeth, closing in on him. You completely ignored the magician pleading for you to stop. Jackie put his arms up to shield his face, just as you were about to strike.

However, something stopped you. You froze in place, the same mist that floated around Marvin now holding your arms against your sides. Marvin teleported himself behind you, gently placing a hand on your shoulder. He leaned in next to your ear, "I don't know what he said exactly, but I know whatever it is, it's not true."

"He called me a monster!" You yelled out, trying to move closer towards Jackie, who had gradually lowered his arms and was now staring at you with a mix of disgust and fear. Marvin hummed, calmly rubbing your back as you began to relax into his touch, "I understand. I'd be upset if someone called me something I wasn't, too."

"I... I wanted to show him what a monster actually looked like..." You growled, looking down at yourself. You were wearing a plain t-shirt and jeans, the original colors barely visible under all of Jackie's blood. However, you could see your scales, which lined your arms. And although you couldn't see your face, you knew similar shiny F/C scales traced most of your features. The remaining skin looked like it'd been morphed, stretched, and scarred, allowing a few bones to protrude in places, making you look like some sort of zombie-dragon hybrid. Marvin shook his head, "You could never be a monster, though. You're perfect."

"But Marvin, they're-" Jackie started, but Marvin sent him a glare, effectively shutting him up. You went to look up at Jackie, but you were spun around to face Marvin before you could do so. The mask-wearing magician smiled upon seeing your face, "Let's get home before it gets too late. I'll have JJ make your favorite!"

The mist around your body vanished, allowing you to follow Marvin through a portal. You both appeared in the living room of the Septic's shared home, and you frowned slightly upon realizing Jackie wasn't with you two. You looked to Marvin expectantly, but he just smirked, "I figured he could use some more fresh air. Y'know, to give him time to come to his senses. I'll check up on him later."

"...did you mean what you said?" You wondered as Marvin guided you up the stairs to change your bloodied outfit. Marvin blinked, "What? About Jamie making your favorite food?"

"No," You said as you both stepped into your room, the Irishman walking towards your closet to choose out only the most fashionable of outfits, "About me not actually being a monster... about me being perfect..."

"Y/N, you know I don't lie." Marvin said simply, throwing a few different styles of clothing onto the bed. You smiled slightly as he finally moved back over to you, shoving an outfit into your arms and directing you to the bathroom. You stepped inside, staring into your reflection in the mirror. He peered into his own reflection, looking mainly at the mask he wore. Without warning, it was suddenly in his hands, and he was looking at all of his scars. Your eyes widened, "Marvin- you've never-"

"Do you know what I see when I look in a mirror, Y/N?" He questioned, still staring at himself. You shook your head, looking over at him. He smiled as if reminiscing about something, "I see someone who's been through a lot. Someone who's done everything in their power to fix themselves and their appearance. And you know what? I don't get that feeling from any of my brothers. But you know who I get that vibe from?"

You stayed silent, watching at Marvin tore his eyes away from himself and turned to look at you, "From you. I see someone who's scarred probably more than I am. And I see someone who's afraid to be themselves."

You went to stare down at your shoes, but Marvin rose his hands up, cupping your face in his palms as he forced you to stare into his brilliant blue eyes. He grinned, "But I also see the most beautiful person I've ever laid my eyes on. And there's no reason to be afraid. Because even if you can't believe it about yourself, Y/N, your beauty never ever scared me."

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