*PLEASE READ* Out of Ideas - A/N

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So if you couldn't tell.... I'm kind of out of ideas?

Like, I haven't updated this book in legit FOREVER, and I really want to. Problem is: I can't think of any good One-Shot ideas.

And with online school coming up soon, it'll take up my last few braincells I have.

Now, here's the thing, I have suggestions, but I can't find where they are in the book (lazy, I know). Anyways, if you guys could do me a quick favour, that'd be great.

In the comments (of this chapter, please) give me either:

1. A ship you would like to see

2. An individual character a one-shot would center around

Or 3. A scenario you would like me to right out.

(Remember: This book is for everyone. So no inappropriate actions during the One-Shots.)

If you guys could do one of the three, that would honestly make my life soooo much better.

And I promise I'll make my own One-Shots soon.


Septiceye/Iplier/Sides One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now