Life Update (+ Announcements)

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Hey people. I'm putting this here because I know it's where the most people will see it.

It's been a hot second since I've published anything- and just over a year since I've published any new one-shots. I know that's an insane amount of time and crazy to think about. I've been on wattpad since 2019, a few days after I turned 13 I believe, and I'd been writing relatively frequently through 2020 and some of 2021.

Unfortunately, my writing began to dwindle and I stopped doing it as often, but I was still reading stories. The thing isn't that I didn't have inspiration to write, it's that the egos had appeared less and less in Mark and Sean's videos and I'd simply grown bored of writing about them. But I refused to quit, even going on hiatus for months on end, I continued to say that I would never discontinue anything because I might return to it.

My account was strictly ego content, so I didn't want to post anything else despite the fact I'd been continuously writing all of that time. However, Sean recently announced he'd been doing more ego content, especially with the comic that had come out.

I plan to purchase it, and who knows, one day I might actually return to writing ego content, at which point this brief little life summary of mine will be deleted from this book. But for now, I simply have no inspiration. I don't feel I can accurately depict characters like I used to and honestly, by the way Sean and Mark have discussed it in the past, I don't know if I want to.

Fanfiction is a slippery slope and I would absolutely despise myself if I ever made someone uncomfortable with that. I never tried writing the actual people as anything more than friends, but I have written romantic relations between their characters, and I feel that's treading a very thin line.

So, here's to me saying this book is going on an extremely long hiatus. So long that I don't even know if I'll be returning to it. I hate to say discontinued, but let's be honest and say it probably will not be returned to.

Thank you all for supporting me all these years. ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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