I L I K E D O G S (S34N x Connor)

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"S34N!" Jack called into the house,"Bryan and Connor are here!"

The Android, straightening his tie, walked out of the kitchen where he was making yet another pot of coffee and walked into the room where two humans and one android stood.

"Model S3PT1C. My name is Connor, I am the android sent by CyberLife." Connor introduced, holding out a hand for S34N to shake.

"Model RK800, hello, my name is S34N, or Seàn, as many pronounce it."

Connor nodded, storing the information before speaking again, "Lieutenant Anderson is expecting us. Shall we go now?"

S34N nodded, waving towards the humans, "Sure. Goodbye, Jack and Bryan."

Connor nodded to the men and both androids walked out, getting into Connor's car. The drive was slightly silent, but Connor spoke up, "Have you become deviant?"

S34N shrugged, "I am not sure. I know you have. The rebellion had ended, deviants are accepted, but newer androids such as myself are the same as before, we follow commands and have the glitch in our systems that give us the ability to deviate."

"Yes. But that is logic, what're you... feeling?" Connor tried to explain.

"...I don't know." The rest of the ride was silent.

When they arrived at Hank Anderson's house, going inside, both androids were immediately met by Sumo, who jumped around happily between their feet.

S34N bit his lip, an action Connor had never seen S34N example. The S3PT1C android model was made to follow orders and help others, and not to have a love for a dog.

"Pet him." A only slightly slurred voice came from the dining room, where they were trying to get to.

S34N looked up at Hank, nodding and bending down to pet the furry boy. Connor smiled, doing the same quickly before looking back up at Hank, "Hello, Hank."

"Connor. You brought a little... friend? Or are you two..." Hank trailed off, glancing between the two.

S34N glanced up, but Connor answered, "No. He's Bryan's friend's roommate."

"One of them." S34N cut in, "Not just Jack's. Also Anti, the Good Doctor, Chase, Jameson, Jackieboyman, Robbie, Marvin, and Shawn, who's new."

"Hm. Okay, just give me a minute to get ready before we go to the case." Hank said, leaving S34N, Connor, and Sumo in the room.

"I like dogs." S34N smiled, and Connor nodded, "Me too."

"Sumo is a good boy, isn't he?" S34N scratched behind Sumo's ears.

"He is."

"He's very fluffy."

"He's adorable."

"He's excited."

"He loves us."

And Connor knew he wasn't just talking about Sumo.


Connor x S34N isn't one I thought I was ever gonna do, but it was really cute.

More to come soon!

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