Share the Squirrels! (King x Child)

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King was sitting under a large tree in the park, for once not coated in peanut butter, but he was still surrounded by squirrels anyway.

The were chirping away to each other, and King watched happily, glad they were getting along.

"Watcha doin' mister?" The child-like voice startled him, and two of the five squirrels scurried up the tree.

King looked up, "Just... playing around."

"I didn't know adults could play." The girl said.

She had long red hair which was in a braid, lots of freckles, bright blue eyes, and a pink dress on with ballet slippers.

"I guess I'm the exception, then." King shrugged, his gaze moving back towards the furry animals.

"My name's Emma, what's yours?" The girl persisted.

"King." King said simply.

"What're you a King of?" Emma wondered, sitting in front of him.

"The squirrels, of course."

Emma's eyes widened, "Does that mean you live in a tree?"

King chuckled, "No, but my brothers did build me a treehouse to stay in."

Emma looked all around, "Where?"

"Oh, not here. It's in a forest behind our house." King told her.

"Oh... can I see it?"

"Not today, sorry Emma."

"It's okay. Can I hold one?" Emma asked, motioning to the squirrel.

King nodded eagerly, happy someone else enjoyed the small animal. He carefully handed him to her, the squirrel nuzzling her face.

"What's his name?" Emma asked.

"Peanut. This one," He held up a brown one with a long white stripe across her back, "is Daisy."

"Who's that one?" Emma pointed to the squirrel on his shoulder.

King glanced over, "That's Chipper."

Emma giggled as the squirrel hopped into her lap, "He's funny."

"Emma!" A woman's voice yelled from across the park.

Emma put Peanut down and coaxed Chipper off her lap. She stood up, "I have to go now, King. Will I see you again?"

"If you convince your mom to bring you to the park again, I'll be here Friday. Maybe you can even see my treehouse too."

Emma beamed, and ran off to her mother.

King smiled to himself, and glanced down as Daisy nudged his leg, chirping something.

"No, Daisy. I am not getting attached to Emma."

Chipper made a noise that sounded like a scoff, and Peanut chirped up.

King gave a tiny smile, "Well... maybe just a little bit."


I love King forever! Eek, he's such an adorable character! The character Emma in this One-Shot is actually based off my friend when she was littler.

Basically, Emma is supposed to represent a child version of King, excitement and cuteness, and based off the fact I did this in one sitting, I'm rather proud of myself.

Any suggestions for the next One-Shot??

Peace! ✌️

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