Senpai (Yan x Randall)

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Yan curled up next to her boyfriend on the couch, laying her head on his lap. They were watching Princess Bride together, which was a romance, chosen specifically for the pair.

"Senpai?" Yan asked, looking up at Randall, who nodded.

"I'm tired, let's go upstairs!" Yan suggested, yawning quietly.

Randall grabbed the remote, turning off the TV and running his hands through Yan's red hair, "Why can't we stay right where we are?"

Yan straightened up, still sitting in his lap, and pulling him to her face, pecking his lips lightly, humming to herself, "Dark doesn't like 'love' in the living room, Randall, you know that."

"Dark won't get mad if he doesn't find out, Yan." Randall told her, kissing her again.

"Let's go get some food, I'm hungry!" Yan whined.

"You're being needy, aren't ya, Yan." Randall said, watching as his girlfriend combed her fingers through his long blonde hair.

She smiled, "That's what makes me irresistible, Senpai."

Randall grinned, picking Yan up bridal-style and carried her to his bedroom, shoving the door open with his back and placing her onto the bed.

She yawned, closing her eyes as he told her, "I'll go out and get some take-out. I'll be back, Yan."

With that, he left the room.

Minutes later, Randall once again entered the room, now holding a big bag of McDonald's junk. Yan woke up, grabbing her nuggets and fries, along with the soda.

They ate with small talk, as usual, before Yan said something odd, "So, about school."

Randall looked up from his Big Mac, confused, "Wha' 'bout it? I'm going to photography school with Eric, if he stopped shaking as much, and you're still going to your regular school until next year."

"We're too old for it! We're both almost 30, Randall. But what I meant, is what to do with our lives afterwards?" Yan wondered, dipping a nugget in Sweet and Sour sauce.

"Eric and I will become part time photographers for your magazine blog, we will move into a quieter two story home, one floor for me and you, the other for Eric and whoever he likes at the moment, and we'll get married, have kids, and when we are 70, we will retire and buy a beach house. The end." Randall stated, planning out the whole thing.

Yan's jaw dropped, "You've planned it?"

"Only slightly."

Yan kissed her boyfriend, "This is why I love you, Randall."

"I love you too, Yan."

"Not as much as me, Senpai."


Oof, Yan and Randall. I decided to let Eric slip into this, because... He's Eric. One-Shot done, check this off the list. Next is King, so be prepared for adorableness.

And yes, I do know some people consider Yan gender fluid or non-binary, but the fanart above represented Yan as a girl, so I just went with it, please don't hate me for it.

Love you all, Peace out! ✌️

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