Drinking Bros (Chase x Hank)

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This was requested by DianaFrostYT Hope you enjoy!

Chase was laying on the couch, watching TV when S34N entered the house, shutting the door loudly. He didn't flinch at the noise, not acknowledging it as he watched whatever show S34N had put on for him.

"Chase!" S34N called, "Connor and Lieutenant Anderson have arrived!"

"Call me Hank." The lieutenant urged.

Chase glanced up, noticing they were in the doorway to the living room, and croaked out a, "Hey."

Hank and Connor nodded, unsure of what to say to him, so S34N spoke first, "My brothers and I are trying to bring back his spirit, and he's staying with me for a few days."

"S34N, can I... talk to you? Privately?" Connor wondered, pulling the Android away, leaving Hank and Chase.

"So, on house arrest?" Hank asked, looking around at the room, and Chase sighed, "I need a drink."

Hank snapped his fingers, "I've got just the solution. I know a great bar we can go to, it's not too far either."

S34N and Connor came back into the room, and S34N spoke first, "He's not supposed to be drinking any alcohol."

"One drink won't hurt, besides, I know what you and Connor do, I'm sure you'd want us gone while you have your fun." Hank winked, and both Android's faces got red, so S34N nodded in approval.

Chase stood up, following Hank to his car. A few minutes later, the two arrived at the bar, both walking in.

"Hank! How's it going!" The bar tender called out, and few people clapped at his arrival.

"Doing great! Hey, ya got something strong for my friend here? He's been off for about a month, it seems." Hank said, sitting down, and Chase sat next to him, taking off his hat to comb his fingers through his hair.

A few minutes later, their shot glasses were in front of them, and Hank spoke, "So, what's all this depression business?"

Chase sighed, downing his fourth shot before speaking, "My wife, she left me. My kids... they got taken with her, and I can't see them anymore."

Hank was quiet, that hit hard, "My son, Cole, died, I understand the pain you're feeling, but you'll get over it."

Chase put his head in his hands, crying, before muttering drunkly, "Bathroom."

Hank got up, pulling Chase to the men's room, who immediately threw up in the toilet, still sobbing.

"Let's get you home before your brother kills me, alright." Hank asked, pulling Chase out and to his car.

Once they were driving home, Hank noticed Chase was asleep, resting his head on Hank's arm peacefully.


So in this, Chase is kinda a kid, and Hank feels a connection with him because he lost his own son, so he acts like a father to him.

Okay, so I kinda forgot what year DBH took place in, so we'll just pretend it takes place in the present.

But anyway, ✌️🕷️

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