Business (Anti x Dark)

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Anti yawned, his eyes flickering open, adjusting to the green tinted room. He glitched out of bed and to his closet. He took out a black t-shirt and black skinny jeans that were ripped at the knees.

He went into the bathroom, rubbing his bright green eyes. He shut the door, locking it and beginning to take off his pajama shirt, and ignored the burns along his chest.

He quickly pulled on his t-shirt, covering it up again. He changed his sweatpants into the jeans and moved to do his bandages.

He looked up at the mirror, seeing the bandages wrapped around his neck had bled almost all the way through. He took a knife from in the sink drawer and sliced the bandage, and it fell in the sink.

Anti grabbed a roll of bandages from the drawer and quickly put it on, not wanting to look at it longer than he needed.

He exited the bathroom after discarding the bandages and washing blood off his hands.

Anti glitched around his room, looking for his scarf to hide the bandages.

"Looking for something?" Anti turned to the doorway to find Dark standing there, holding his dark green scarf.

Anti got to his feet quickly, rubbing his neck as he walked over to Dark, reaching for his scarf, but Dark held it out of reach.

"Dark!" Anti whined, trying to grab it once again.

"I like you without the scarf, Anti, it shows your demon side." Dark said, pressing his lips to Anti's neck.

"Nooo, Dark. I promised to help with Jack's video today." Anti pushed Dark away gently.

"But you promised a date with me today." Dark raised an eyebrow, waving the scarf in front of Anti's face.

Anti glitched, managing to grab the scarf before Dark held it away again. Anti quickly kissed Dark's cheek, "Business first, babe. You should know that."

Anti slipped around him, throwing the scarf around his neck, and walked down the stairs. Dark followed closely  behind, going into the dining room with his boyfriend.

Anti grabbed a box of Fruit Loops, pouring them into a bowl and taking the milk from the fridge and pouring that in as well.

He put the box and milk away, bringing his bowl of cereal with him into the dining room, ignoring Dark, who sat down right next to him.

"That's not fair for me, Anti." Dark pointed out, summoning a spoon for the glitch, who took it without a word.

Dark suddenly stood up, making Anti glance up at him. Dark leaned over Anti, right next to his ear, "Maybe I should just kill Jack and Mark so there isn't any work?"

"We need 'em so we can stay alive." Anto mumbled with food in his mouth still.

"Well, I don't need Jack, so how 'bout you tell him you'll do your part later?" Dark whispered, sending shivers down Anti's spine.

Anti glitched, standing and trying to get away from Dark. Dark wrapped an arm around Anti's waist, spinning him around so their noses we're almost touching.

"And I thought you were the puppet master?" Dark wondered, smirking.

Anti sighed, and took Dark's face in his hands, his eyes turning an even brighter green. Dark's usually brown-black eyes got a green mist surrounding them.

Anti grinned, "Still am, Darky." Dark released his grasp on Anti, and Anti glitched away.

When he was gone, Dark snapped out of his trance, scowling at the empty spot in front of him, before smiling evily, "Hide and seek it is then."


Is it just me or is Danti sooooooo adorable?! The past week was really difficult, but the mood of each day is getting a bit better.

It's also getting difficult to find good fanart, so if you guys know anyone who does really good pieces of Markiplier/Jacksepticeye art, please tell me! I will credit them, btw.

Anyway, Peace out y'all ✌️


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