You are loved (Virgil x Eric)

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Virgil was in his room, sprawled out on his bed and listening to P!ATD when he first heard the cry. It was quiet, then followed by a loud bump on the wall.

He sat up, taking out his earbuds and listening. A loud crash sounded, Virgil's anxiety spiking slightly as he cringed. He moved to the door, walking out and into the hallway.

The hallway was almost silent, everybody had gone out. Virgil crept along the hall, looking around for whatever room was making the noise.

There was another crash followed by a pained cry. Eric's room...

Virgil walked to the door, placing his ear on the wood, listening to whispers beyond it.

"You're stupid, ignorant, worthless, pathetic! I would've loved any of them more than you!" The first voice kept slinging insults while the other whimpered at the words spoken.

The door abruptly opened, Virgil almost falling, but regaining his balance, looking up to see Derek walking out and away from Eric's room.

Virgil peeks into the room, seeing Eric curled up in a ball on the floor, sobbing. The room was a mess, the bed mattress flipped off of the bed, glass shattered everywhere, papers sprawled out everywhere, the dresser on its side.

Virgil calmly walked over to Eric, placing a hand on his shoulder. Eric flinched at the touch before melting into it, tackling Virgil in a hug and sobbing into his shoulder. Virgil hugged back tightly, holding Eric close.

When the two seperated, Virgil could see that his shirt was off, his back and chest severely whipped with a belt, some areas bleeding, others having massive scars.

Virgil covered his mouth with his hand, shocked, "Eric... What happened?"

Eric wiped his tears away, taking harsh and quick breaths. "W-well I w-was telling d-dad how I d-don't want to b-be a-a part of wh-where he w-works anym-more... And th-then he g-got m-mad..."

Eric starts crying even more again a the memories. Virgil brings him close, draping his jacket around Eric's back, letting the boy cuddle into it, leaning against Virgil and staring up at him with a tear-stained face.

"Th-thanks V-virge..." Eric says quietly, closing his eyes.

Virgil holds Eric close to him, smiling softly, "You're with me now, Eric, nobody's going to hurt you ever again."


Akkkkkkkkkk I haven't posted a One-Shot in foreverrrrrr- I wanted to get a Christmas one done as well... but that's going to be postponed until New Years day, and be a sorta just "festive" One-Shot.

Moving on- So on the Flip Flop Cult Discord Server, we do a LOT of roleplay. And we do Virgil x Eric to kinda shift from Prinxeity and stuff like that. So I love our Anxious Boys UwU ❤️

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