Not Okay (Chase x Anti)

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"Is everything alright, Anti?"


Everything was not alright.

Anti had been locked in his room for the past week.

He'd been so stupid. Who tells the person they've tried to kill dozens of times that they love them?

And the reaction of him was worse. He'd ran away. Of course he had. Who would want to stay with a murderer who confessed their love.

Anti didn't answer from where he was curled up in blankets on top of his rarely used bed.

There was a soft knock, "C'mon, Anti. You've been in here for a week, we're all worried for you."

Anti opened his mouth, wishing the words would just come out, but he closed it as the only sound that came out was a tiny whine.

"It's Jack. Chase is getting nervous for your well-being."

Anti shook his head. If Chase was so worried for a demon, he wouldn't have ran away, would he?

"Anti, open the door." The voice pleaded, but to Anti it sounded more like a demand.

Anti blinked his eyes, which were bloodshot from tears. He uncovered himself from the mountain of blankets, sliding to the door and unlocking it.

Jack immediately opened it, sighing at Anti's poor state. His clothes were practically shredded because of how much he hurt himself.

His body was covered in cuts and was bleeding tremendously. Anti stared at the ground, allowing Jack to drag him to Henrik's room.

Anti didn't pay attention as he sat in a chair, being bandaged by the German doctor.

"What happened? Why were you in there for so long? Why'd you cut yourself, Anti?"

The questions bombarded him. He raised his knees to his chest, not answering anything. Of course Chase didn't tell the others. Not like Anti cared anyways. He was a demon. He wouldn't die.

"You need to eat, Anti." Jack told the glitch, leading him out of Henrik's room and down to the kitchen.

Anti didn't respond, letting Jack make him some form of food. He didn't pay attention. He just let Jack feed it to him.

Anti didn't care anymore. It's like his heart had been torn out. He started scratching at his arms with his dagger-like nails, hoping his blood would spill.

Jack quickly stopped him before that happened, grabbing Anti's wrists, "Anti... Talk to me... What's wrong?"

Anti didn't respond, not bothering to glitch out of Jack's hold. There was no point. He was already chained down. His heart felt like a stone inside of his chest.

The sound of a door opening and closing filled the silent air, Anti blankly glancing up. Jack spoke quietly, "It's just Chase, Anti. Can you-"

Jack hadn't even gotten to finish his sentence as Anti let out a burst of glitches, sending Jack flying into a wall, and the kitchen door to slam just as Chase got to it.

"Jack? Bro? Why is the door locked?" Chase called in, Anti's heart pounding in his ears as he heard the voice.

Jack rubbed his head, frowning, "Anti, what's going on with you?"

"Wait, Anti's in there? Dude I need to talk to you," Chase yelled from outside the door.

Anti shook his head, finally willing himself to glitch away back into his room.

He sighed to the darkness, swiftly crawling back into his mess of blankets.

Even from underneath his blankets, his strong sense of hearing picked up footsteps headed to his room. He was fully on alert now, eyes shifting around nervously.

There was a quiet knock on his door, and he hid further. He silently cursed as he heard the doorknob turn and open. He forgot to lock the door.

"Anti?" The soft voice came, with just a hint of a surfer accent on top of it, "Anti, it's Chase."

Anti shifted, peering out from under his blankets, his eyes glowing against the darkness. Chase, however, had to stumble around with no sense of direction whatsoever.

"Anti, please. I didn't mean to run. I-I was worried. I thought you were going to leave like Stacy did. And...I would never have the chance to see you again. I know it's my fault... Please, Anti. I love you." Chase seemed to blurt out his entire story.

Anti blushed at the confession of love, glitching out of his pile of blankets to stand in front of Chase, who still couldn't see him through the darkness of his room.

Anti took Chase's hands in his own, receiving a small yelp of surprise from him.

Anti spoke for the first time in a week, "I love you too, Brody."

Chase smiled, tracing his hands on Anti's chest. Anti gently kissed Chase's lips, the former having a bit of trouble in the darkness.

The kiss broke a second later, Chase swallowing, "Can we go tell the others you're okay now, bro?"

Anti whined, "Right now?"

Chase hummed, pressing his lips to Anti's, "Hmm.... Maybe in a little bit."

Anti smiled, Chase speaking again, "You okay?"

Anti nodded, wrapping his arms around Chase's waist, "I'm okay."

"For real?" Chase wondered, slinking his own arms around Anti's neck.

Anti nodded as he rested his head on Chase's shoulder, "For real this time."


Antiaverage is honestly one of the weirder ones to do. I mean, Chase has been tortured for so long and Anti has instigated that pain.

I find it awkward but also very adorable. So Idk. It's a good one. I just prefer other ships over it.

Either way, I hoped you enjoyed this one-shot!

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