Doctor's Promise (Iplier x Henrik)

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Dr. Schneeplestein carefully removed the last bullet from his patient's arm, setting it on a tray. He quickly stitched them up, eager to get on with the day.

"In a rush there, Henrik?" Dr. Michaels asked in her thick Scottish accent, putting the bullet tray into a container going to examination.

"Of course not, Emily, vhy?" Henrik said, taking off his gloves.

"I see the way ya look at 'im, tis kinda obvious." Emily grinned.

Henrik blushed deeply, "Vho vould zat be, zhen, Emily?"

Emily shot a glance over to the door next to the surgery room, winking at Henrik, "Ya know who I mean, and he's kinda cute, too. If you don't ask him, he'll ask you, that's a doctor's promise."

Henrik frowned, and saving him from the awkwardness was the loud groan coming from the slowly awakening patient.

"Ah, Kalub!" Henrik grinned, moving to the patients side once more, "Your arm vill burn for a few veeks, but you should be fine eventually."

Kalub's eyes widened, "B-burn?"

Henrik nodded, "Ve had to do ze vorst case, ve put some... vell, it's not important."

Kalub swallowed and stood up, leaving the room to go to the regular room, where Dr. Iplier was.

Henrik followed, Emily leaving to give the examination room the bullets. Dr. Iplier was sitting at a desk, a woman with bright pink hair was getting a prescription from him.

She left the room a moment later, and Henrik and Kalub walked up to the desk.

"Hello Doctor," Dr. Iplier smiled, "What can I do ya for?"

"Pain medication, our friend Kalub here vas shot in ze arm." Henrik explained.

"Ah, are you sure he's not dying?" Iplier smirked, and Henrik rolled his eyes.

Dr. Iplier slid over to a large cabinet, opening it. There were many bottles inside, but he grabbed a small yellow one filled with around 30 tablets.

"Take two each day, separated by 12 hours each, I suggest taking one now." Dr. Iplier told him.

Kalub nodded, taking the bottle and leaving the room to go pay. Henrik tapped his fingers in the desk impatiently, staring at the clock on the wall.

"Need anything, Henrik? You seem anxious." Dr. Iplier wondered.

"No, I... I just am nervous, I'm meeting with a patient's family today." Henrik mumbled.

"Hey, it's okay." Dr. Iplier put a hand on top of Henrik's cold hand.

Henrik blushed at the action. Dr. Iplier smiled, but it was wavering, "Listen... I've been keeping a secret from you..."

Henrik looked over at the doctor, confused, "Vhat is it?"

"...I... I really like you." Dr. Iplier admitted, biting his lip.

Henrik was shocked for a moment, not knowing how to respond.

Dr. Iplier swallowed, "If you don't like me back, that's-"

Before Dr. Iplier could finish his sentence, the German smashed his lips into the doctor's.

The kiss lasted about a minute, and when they parted, each had a glint in their eye.

"That vas..." Henrik began

"Amazing." Iplier finished.

Henrik grinned, leaning in for another beautiful kiss, unaware of Emily standing right outside the door, smiling and filming the whole thing.

"Well, I guess Doctor's Promises really do come true."


Doctor x Doctor, obviously beautiful. Next One-Shot will be................... either my Bimmy Boi, or Yan x Randall, or My King Bean.

Anyway, if any one of these you want to see sooner, say/comment it.

Anyway, Peace out y'all ✌️


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