StoryTellers (Eric x Host)

560 21 8

This was suggested by AuraSpei I hope you enjoy!

Eric was wandering the long hallways of the mansion filled with the egos' rooms. He needed to go somewhere private, to get his mind off everything that had happened with his family.

He suddenly came upon a door he hadn't seen before. It was brown as old, as if it had been there for a long time. The curious man opened the door slowly to reveal a large room with rows and rows of bookshelves.

He entered, closing the door silently behind him. He began to scan the shelves for something to read when a voice startled him, making him jump, "Eric cannot see anything good on the shelves and jumps at the sudden voice."

Eric turned around to see a man in a brown trenchcoat leaning against the shelves, his eyes wrapped in bloody gauze.

"I-I I'm s-sorry for b-b-barging in, sir." Eric said nervously, slightly cowering.

"The Host only smiles, brushing it off, as he does not take any offence to it, he in fact enjoys the company, which he gets hardly any of anymore." Host replied, shrugging.

"Uh... o-okay..." Eric stuttered, slightly less nervous.

"Would Eric care to hear a story?" The Host wondered, and Eric timidly nodded, allowing himself to be lead to two seats next to a table piled with radio equipment.

The Host turned it all on, tapping the microphone to make sure it worked before pressing more buttons, motioning to a panel that said the words, "Live Radio Station."

Eric nodded, entranced by it all, so Host began speaking into the mic, "The Host welcomes his listeners to another session, and he is joined by a special guest: Eric Derekson."

Applause erupted from out of nowhere, and Host waved his hand after a minute, causing it to stop.

The Host began his tale, a romance blossoming between two women, Rose and Kelsey, but they are faced with their past husbands and boyfriends, causing the relationship to crumble.

By the end of it, Eric was shaken, but seemed to have enjoyed the story the Host told, but when the narrator turned to Eric, that happiness seemed to dissapear as he asked, "Does Eric have a story he would like to tell?"

Eric quickly shook his head no, but Host (even through the gauze) stared at him until Eric gave in, deciding to tell his audience a story of his mother and siblings, the way they all died...

Derek, his father, became abusive, as Host realized, and blamed his son for their deaths. Eric was almost in tears when his story ended.

The Host, not speaking for once, turned off the equipment, slowly pulling Eric into a hug. Both stayed silent as their arms gripped each other tightly. Blood dripped down Host's face, and tears slipped out of Eric's eyes, soaking the Host's shoulder.

The Host quietly planted a kiss on Eric's forehead, Eric leaning into the comfort. Their pasts were both coated in blood and pain, neither wanting to separate the hug and face the cruel world again.


@AuraSpei Thank you for the very detailed suggestion, I tried getting everything in, but I was slightly rushing because I had stuff to do.

Anyway, me, being the lazy person I am, decided to watch like seven movies instead of doing my work, so I was rushing in that way. But, I watched all of the Men In Black movies, and Annie. So... I got that going for me...


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