Young Love (Damien x William)

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(A/N- This is set before Who Killed Markiplier, when everyone was kids. The Mark in this story is still Actor Mark)

There was a knock on the door. Mark hurried down the stairs with William, eager to see who was at the door.

"Will! Let me get it! I live here!" Mark yelled, trying to shove William away from the door

"I'm your guest, Mark! I wanna open it!" William screamed, stomping his foot and reaching for the doorknob.

Mark smacked his hand away, pouncing on William, and grabbing it. Before he could turn it, William scratched Mark's leg, so the boy stumbled back, and William opened the door.

"Hey!" Mark called, now sitting to rub his leg.

"Will!" The twins grinned, laughing at Mark behind him.

"Come in, guys!" Will smiled, holding the door open for the two.

They entered, and Celine quickly embraced Will, who had butterflies in his stomach, and even though he was only ten, he had a major crush on Celine that would last his life.

Damien watched the encounter, jealousy flashing across his face, but only Celine knew of his unannounced love for men. But, he was still young, so he didn't know who he really was yet.

"C'mon guys, let's play in my room!" Mark called, already on the stairwell.

The four ran up the stairs, going to play together. They mostly talked about school and TV shows they had watched recently.

They also tried testing Celine and Damien to see if they could read each other's mind like some twins in a movie they had seen could. Of course, they didn't have telepathic abilities.

Hours later, Celine yawned, declaring, "Can we go to sleep now?"

Mark sighed, but nodded, "Okay, let's get ready."

The three boys all changed into pajamas Mark offered for them, while Celine went into the bathroom to change.

Mark and Will were already stripping, but Damien was hesitant, staring at the carpet.

"Why aren't ya changing?" Mark asked, putting on a shirt.

"Isn't it... weird?" Damien asked, biting his lip.

"We're all boys, Dames." Will rested a hand on his shoulder, and Damien blushed at the touch.

"Unless... you have something to say?" Mark smirked, and Damien's face went bright red, shaking his head roughly.

Mark pursed his lips, raising an eyebrow, so Damien took off his pants, undressing and putting very fluffy bed pants and a comfy shirt.

By the time everyone was done, Damien had calmed down, his face back to its usual tan-tone as they all fell asleep downstairs on the couch, unknowingly snuggled up to Will's side.


So this is before the events of Who Killed Markiplier, like I already said. I like the idea of Damien having a crush on William before they were older and were Wilford and Dark.

This is inspired off of another story on Wattpad I had read, but I am really sorry, I don't know the name of the story or the person who wrote it, it was before I had an account.

Anyways, Peace out y'all ✌️.


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