Jeopardy (Bim x Matthias)

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Bim laid on his bed, reviewing notecards for his gameshow that would be airing later that day.

Suddenly, there was a knock on his door. He sat up throwing his legs over the bed and going over to the door, opening it to reveal a pink mustached man.

"Ah, Bimmy!" Wilford grinned, "Darky has planned a meeting and you're needed."

Wilford's words slurred slightly, and Bim sighed, "Have you been drinking lately?"

Wilford laughed heartily, telling him in a familiar accent, "What gave ya the idea, pally?"

Bim chuckled slightly, "You're slurring, and we both know that alcohol is a disqualification, Will."

Wilford frowned, "Let me off this time, please Bimmy? You know how Darky gets when we are last to arrive."

"Fine, but only this once. I guess you get to spin again." Bim muttered, remembering the last time the pair was late.

He shuddered at the thought. Wilford took his hand, and they were engulfed in pink smoke, before arriving in the meeting room at their usual spots.

However, the only people in the room were Dark and Google. Bim raised an eyebrow, "Are we... early?"

"This is a special meeting today, but we are missing somebody." Google told the group.

Just as he said that, the door was slammed open, and a flushed Matthias entered the room, panting, "Sorry I'm late, guys, Dope or Nope set off a fire alarm on accident and we had to fix it."

"That's fine, just sit." Dark ordered, and Matthias sat next to Bim.

He continued once he adjusted, "There is a curiosity between you and Bim since you were on Bim's show."

"Okay, what do you mean by that?" Matthias asked, not understanding.

"A ship. Such as myself and Anti have one, and such as Mark and Jack have one. You two have one as well, were you aware?" Dark informed.

Matthias shook his head slowly, "I don't think so...  Bim, did you know?"

Bim nodded, "Yeah."

Matthias raised an eyebrow, "And what? I'm just now getting this information?"

"I say we all calm down, it's not like you've asked Bimmy before." Wilford shrugged, placing a hand on Matthias' shoulder.

Matthias whapped it away, "I don't need this, right now. Meeting adjorned."

"I didn't-" Dark growled, but he was cut off by Matthias, "Meeting. Adjorned."

He left the room, leaving Bim to quickly follow in suite. Bim caught up to Matthias in the hall, "Matthias, that wasn't very nice, Dark was just-"

"Look, Bim," Matthias stopped in his tracks, "I do like you. I really do."

Bim's face got red and he grinned, but Matthias continued, "But, to the fans, I am real, you're not. So if we were to date, and somebody caught us I don't know, kissing, or something, people would think you are Mark."

Bim frowned, his face losing the pink it had been before, "Why can't we love each other in private?"

"I'm sorry, Bim. I really do love you." Matthias apologized, giving Bim a quick kiss on the lips, "But it will be a struggle."

Bim sighed, "You're right. However, nobody ever got hurt from a little Romantic Jeopardy."

Bim pulled Matthias into a long, passionate, loving kiss, and a new relationship started to blossom between the pair.


I know what you guys are probably thinking, "K, WHEN IS THE NEXT UPDATE????"

And oh my God is it good to finish this One-Shot! Like, I was grounded, and it was my birthday, and school starts in a week, and ugh!

So. I plan to release another One-Shot on Thursday, and one on Saturday. And possibly another one on Sunday. We will see how this week goes.

❤️ Love you all!

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