Jack's Gone... (All Septic Egos)

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Chase was sipping a bottle of alcohol, hiccuping every few seconds, sprawled out on the couch.

Jackaboy was laying on the ceiling, staring down with a blank expression.

JJ was sitting in a corner, knees pulled to his chest as he absentmindedly rubbed his throat.

Schneep was pacing tiredly, deep purple bags under his eyes as he gulped his own bottle of Jack Daniels.

S34N was sitting beside the fireplace, just staring into the flickering fire.

Shawn was sitting in a chair, hunched over, staring into the empty contents of the broken glass pieces smashed onto the ground.

Robbie lie on the ground, his milky white eyes closed as he ignored the pain in his arm from where glass had lodged itself into his skin.

Marvin sat beside Robbie, performing his magic to try and heal the zombie.

Anti was seemingly studying his knife as he sat in the corner farthest from the other Septic egos, blood seeping from his neck.

Jackaboy shifted on the ceiling, coughing blood down onto the floor as he cringed and held his stomach, causing the others to glance up.

"What's the prob-" Anti started to taunt him, but was cut off but a stabbing pain in his throat, scratching it forcefully.

Schneep sat on the couch next to Chase, rubbing his eyes.

Chase spoke up drunkly, "Ittttssss okaaay! We're fiiiine-"

Chase was cut off as he hurriedly grabbed a garbage can, vomiting into it. Marvin looked around at all of them, "What's wrong with us?"

JJ coughed, tears beggining to fall from his eyes as he pulled his knees closer to his chest.

Schneep shrugged, biting down on his lip so hard he was drawing blood, "....Ve killed Jack...."

Marvin stood up suddenly, ignoring the blood and glass on the ground as he moved closer to Anti, "What the heck, Anti! Why would you-"

Marvin stopped himself, seeing Anti's own pale form. The glitch looked miserable and terribly injured.

Jackaboy yelled out in more pain, clutching his stomach as he fell onto the floor.

S34N glanced towards him, moving closer and gently rubbing Jackaboy's arm in a comforting way.

Marvin shook his head, "Anti... Did you...?"

Anti nodded guiltily, "I didn't know... I just wanted to get rid of him... Didn't know we would vanish too..."

JJ wiped his tears, standing up and moving towards Anti, sitting beside him and giving him a gentle hug.

Marvin looked to Shawn, who seemed to be flickering in and out of reality, "Shawn? Are you..."

Shawn looked up at Marvin, shaking his head, "Guess my time has come sooner than later..."

Marvin gave him a reassuring pat on the back, "We'll see you soon..."

Shawn nodded, dissapearing from existence entirely.

Marvin sat on the ground, beggining to clean up bits and pieces of glass around him, tossing it into the garbage, which Chase was no longer hunched over.

S34N stood up, nodding to them all, "Take care. Goodbye everybody..."

They all nodded, and S34N grabbed Robbie's hand, lifting him to his feet just as the Android vanished.

Robbie walked to each of them, giving them a hug, including Jackaboy, who flew down from the ceiling to give the zombie a tight squeeze.

Robbie smiled gently, "Robbie... Miss... You... All..."

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