Crooked (Shawn)

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Shawn was seated at a table, paint brushes spread out beside him, and ink splatters dripped everywhere, even on his own face.

He grinned towards the Boris doll he was painting, actually liking Boris, which explains why that smile wasn't crooked.

"I've done it! Ha, James, did ya see it?" Shawn called, his accent the thickest out of all the egos.

Jameson glanced up from his side of the messy table, giving a thumbs up towards the artist before turning back to his own work, an Alice doll.

"Ah, dontcha worry, James, it'll come naturally." Shawn motioned towards the mute's work.

Jameson nodded sadly as he picked up another brush with his ink-coated hands.

Shawn chuckled at his friend's actions and stood up, leaving Boris on the table, and exiting the room to wash his hands.

"Ever miss the job?" The voice startled Shawn, and the artist jumped, looking around for the voice, before settling on Jack, who was walking down the hallway towards him.

Shawn shrugged, "Ya, but at least I can paint freely here."

Jack raised an eyebrow, "Then why paint what you've been painting for years?"

Shawn shrugged, "Practice I guess?"

"Jameson seems into it."

"He's a friend, that's for sure."

Just as they began talking about him, Jameson sprinted into the room, happily holding his Alice doll.

Shawn looked over at it an smiled, "You're doing much better than before, that's for certain. Good job."

Jameson blushed lightly at the compliments before skipping away, most likely to show the other egos his 'masterpiece'.

"The face was off-centered, wasn't it?" Jack smirked.

Shawn shrugged, "He's happy, I'm happy."

"Well I'm going to go make sure Anti doesn't rip his heart to pieces." Jack sighed, already hearing Anti's shrill voice from another room, and walked off.

Shawn, knowing Jack could handle it, headed towards the bathroom again. It was empty, so he slid over to the sink and started washing his hands, whistling some tune.

"It's good to hear you still think of us, Shawn."

Shawn looked up towards the mirror, seeing Sammy Lawrence standing just behind him.

"What do ya want, Sam?" Shawn glared at the man, who was dripping with ink, a bendy mask halfway on his inky face.

"Oh nothing, Shawn. Just... can't believe you abandoned all of us. But it's not too late. Come back, and feed the master. You'll be put to good use."

Shawn shook his head, "I'm never going back there again."

Suddenly, Sammy's inky hand shot out of the mirror, grabbing onto the artist's throat.

"You better pray that Bendy won't get hungry again, Shawn, or you'll be next." Sammy let go of Shawn's throat, pulling his hand back through the mirror, and dissapeared.

Shawn quickly finished up, leaving the bathroom and going to find Jameson. And he hoped Sammy hadn't found him first.


So I love Shawn Flynn, and I've seen a lot of playthroughs of BATIM, and I love the concepts and ideas and all that stuff.

So, Sammy Lawrence coming back to take Shawn away was always a creepy thought I had.

This is kinda a Shawn x Jameson, but IDK.

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