I like you (King x Eric)

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Eric walked out of his room, quietly yet quickly going down the stairs, hoping to avoid everybody. Sure he'd lived with the egos for a while, but he still didn't feel like he had a place.

Eric kept his head down, walking into the kitchen and grabbing a raspberry scone, putting it in the microwave to heat up. He got it out a moment later, taking it in a napkin.

He walked out of the fridge and to the back door, opening it and stepping out. He closed it almost silently.

As soon as it was shut, Eric rushed over to a large tree near the forest behind the house. He sat under it, eating his scone in peace.

That is until he felt somebody tap his shoulder. He looked back, but saw nobody.

"Up here, Eric!" A voice called down.

Eric looked up to see King, hanging upside down, his knees keeping him secure on the branch.

"King? W-what are you d-doing up there?" Eric stuttered, worried the older had come to scold him.

King flipped over, falling off the branch and landing on his feet, "Watching you, silly!"

Eric bit his lip, "W-why?"

"Because I like you, of course!" King smiled, sitting next to him before continuing, "And my treehouse is in the forest, which gets pretty lonely."

"I guess it w-would. B-but why m-me?" Eric wondered.

"I already told you," King shrugged, "You're cool! And I like you!"

"L-like me?" Eric stuttered.

"Why so many questions. I keep repeating myself!" King said, standing.

"Sorry." Eric mumbled.

"It's okay, Eric. I'm joking! But I better go now. The squirrels need me!" And with that, King jogged off towards the forest.

Eric ate the rest of his scone, thinking about King the entire time. He wouldn't admit he had a crush on him, of course...

Or... at least not today.


So I hope you enjoyed Eric x King. It was cute to write too, so ya.

Sorry there wasn't any fanart on top like usual, I couldn't really find any.

Anyways, love y'all, ✌️

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