Memories (Jameson x Wilford)

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(A/N- Here is the first One-Shot! This Chapter might be discomforting to some people who are sensitive to blood-K)

Jameson Jackson stood with his brother, Marvin The Magnificent in front of the mirror, straightening his bowtie.

"Look, Jamie, I'm sure it won't matter how you look. If he really loves you, he won't judge you by that, he'll love you for being you." Marvin assured the nervous ego, placing a hand on his shoulder in an act to comfort him.

Jameson bit his lip, turning to Marvin to sign, 'But what if he doesn't show up, or what if it gets awkward or-'

Marvin gently grabbed Jameson's hands to stop him, "Jamie. Take a deep breath. I know he will like you. Just... be yourself, okay?"

Jameson took a deep breath, nodding. His heart, however, was still racing. Marvin smiled, ruffling his younger brother's hair, fluffing it up a bit.

Marvin held out his hand, and Jameson took it, letting his brother lead him out of the bathroom and into  the living room.

"He's out!" Anti squealed from the armchair, where he was sitting on Dark's lap, his legs over the side of the chair.

"Finally. I was worried he was going to have to ditch you." Dark smirked, and Jameson turned bright red from embarrassment.

"Don't listen to them, Jamie." Marvin rolled his eyes at the two.

"He's in the kitchen, by the way." S34N told them as he played Detroit: Become Human with the Google's.

Marvin quickly thanked him before dragging Jameson to the kitchen.

"It's our main man of the night!" Jackieboyman said from the counter where he leaned against Silver Shepherd, who wasn't wearing his suit for once.

Marvin looked around the kitchen, raising an eyebrow. The only other people in there were Bing and Chase.

"Where is he?" Marvin questioned, and the four in the room just shrugged.

Suddenly, Jameson felt a tap on his shoulder. He whipped around, coming face to face with the Wilford Warfstache.

Jamie yanked Marvin around, and Marvin grinned, "Well, I guess I'll leave you guys to it."

The magician squeezed Jameson's hand once before letting go and leaving to the living room.

Wilford took Jameson's hand, kissing his knuckles lightly. Jameson giggled silently, his face turning a shade of dark pink.

"May I escort you to a... quieter destination?" Wilford wondered, snapping his fingers.

Pink smoke erupted from his fingertips, and they were teleported to just outside a fancy restaurant. They entered, and got seated at a outdoor table so they could see the moonlight.

And at that moment, everything was right.

But that isn't how life always is. No, this wasn't how life would go, especially not for Jameson Jackson.

He refused to believe what everybody had done. All of his brothers were dead. That demon, Anti, he wasn't his brother anymore. He was corrupted by Dark and his other demon friends.

They killed them all. Everyone was gone.

Except him.

Anti kept him just alive to let him watch the suffering of the world.

He hung by his arms from the wall, his neck sliced open to the point of so much pain it felt as if he was dead, but he wasn't.

There were so many gashes, burns, bruises, and broken bones that Jameson had, he didn't even look human.

Thinking about Wilford was his only escape from the charred ruins of his previous home.

But that was one mistake Jameson had. It wasn't even Anti or Dark that had chained him here.

Because that was where he was completely off-track. No, the demons had perished just like the others.

Through blurred vision, Jameson had forgotten the only other person left. Wilford.

He had forgotten that right beside him, dying as well, so very slowly, suffering the exact same, having his voice ripped out just the same,...

Hung the very madman who had asked him out all those years ago. Wilford Warfstache.


Hey, guys! I'm accepting requests for more One-Shots. It can be any Iplier or Septiceye. It doesn't have to be a ship, but I dont write smut, only fluff.

I hope you enjoyed this One-Shot! Well, that's all for me, Peace out y'all ✌️,


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