Tell Us Apart (Jackie & Anti)

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"For the last time, Chase, just because we have the same face does not mean we have the same thoughts!" Jackie scowled at the vlogger as he sipped from his cup of dirty bean water. Chase pouted, whining loudly, "Come on... you can't tell me you don't ever have any weird moments? Like... I don't know... speaking in unison? Like something normal but it happens way too often to be normal. Y'know?"

"I really don't." Jackie murmured, standing to place his mug in the sink as he'd finished up the last few drops of coffee goodness. Jackie continued as he moved towards the kitchen doorway, "Besides, this isn't the Shining. Only one of us is creepy and you know exactly which one of us that is."

"Did somebody say my name?" Anti questioned as he suddenly glitched into the room. The man moved towards the coffee machine, grabbing a mug and starting it up. Jackie chuckled, "See, Chase? He's the creepy one."

"Hey, I didn't come here to be assaulted!" Anti defended as he crossed his arms and sat down at the table beside Chase- right where the hero had been sitting just a second before. Chase motioned towards the chair with wide eyes as if it made his point whatsoever. Jackie rolled his eyes, "That proves nothing, Chase."

"Whatever, dudes. You two are literally exactly alike. Anyway, I have to get to Sam's basketball game or Stace will literally murder me. See you two later, I guess." Chase stood, grabbing his hat from where it rested on the table and left the room. Jackie glanced down at Anti, who had a smirk forming on his face. Anti looked up at the hero, who frowned, "What?"

"I have a plan." Anti grinned. Jackie scoffed, "A plan? For what- teaching Chase to not say stupid things?"

"No, to give him what he wants. If he says we're so similar then he wouldn't be able to tell us apart, right?" Anti said, looking to Jackie as if he understood anything his brother was saying. Jackie just stared back at him until Anti let out a groan and stood up. He glitched away for a brief moment before reappearing with a bundle of clothes in his arms. He handed a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie to Jackie, keeping an identical set of clothes for himself. Jackie snapped his fingers, finally understanding, "Ohh... Well I suppose that couldn't hurt anybody. Alright, let's do it."

[After Changing...]

The two identical brothers looked over one another. They really did look exactly alike- especially with the clothes. Anti had even altered his appearance just slightly to look even more like Jackie. The twins casually walked into the living room, where Marvin and JJ were playing cards on the couch. JJ looked up to wave at them, but his eyes instantly widened. He patted Marvin's arm, pointing behind him towards where the two stood. Marvin whipped around, and he looked equally confused, "Uh... guys... what are you doing?"

"Well, Chase said we're pretty much exactly the same..."

" we decided we'd see just how similar we can be."

"That's so creepy..." Marvin uttered as the two finished each other's sentences. The two shrugged, one moving over to sit on the floor in front of the couch while the other turned on their xbox, getting Cuphead set up. JJ pointed to the two of them, looking to Marvin with slight worry. The magician shrugged, before speaking out loud, "So... how long are you two planning on keeping this disguise."

"I don't know."

"It is pretty comfortable."

"Maybe until someone tells us apart?"

"Yeah, that should be enough time."

The one by the xbox moved back to sit by his brother, handing him one of the controllers. They didn't even argue which one would be Cuphead and which would be Mugman. Marvin just stared in awe. They either practiced beforehand, or they were really just that in-sync. But considering how well they usually got along, it was surprising either way. Marvin shook his head, turning back to his game with JJ. He would just have to see how it all played out.

[A Few Hours Later...]

"I'm back and I brought pizza!" Chase yelled into the house. Marvin had eventually left to go study, leaving JJ to watch the twins play their game, and Henrik had arrived, but didn't even bother to question what they were doing. The twins exchanged glances and jumped to their feet simultaneously, racing out of the room. The two stood in the kitchen, directly behind Chase. They both leaned forward, whispering, "Boo!"

Chase jumped, luckily having put down the pizza box. He spun around, looking shocked. Chase fumbled for words, his eyes darting back and forth wildly, "I- you're- What are you doing?!"

"You said we were exactly like each other."

"So we wanted to give you what you asked for!"

"I-I didn't say dress the same!" Chase exclaimed, looking between them. Anti and Jackie turned to grin at each other, before back at Chase. Chase swallowed, "Um... do you bros want pizza?"

"We do." They spoke in unison, causing Chase to shiver. Chase turned around to cut the pizza, but by the time he'd dished out slices on a few different plates, the two had vanished. He sighed in relief, taking a plate and heading towards the dining room, only to find exactly who he didn't want to. The two were seated beside each other at the table, and their heads turned slowly to face him. Chase slowly walked towards his seat, placing his plate down and sitting. The two brothers suddenly frowned, their voices altered as they growled out, "We're hungry, Chase."

"I- will you guys quit it? You're being really weird and I don't like-" Chase started, but was cut off by their fists slamming down on the table. Instantly, the father was up, racing towards the kitchen to grab them some food. As soon as he'd left, one of the twins started giggling insanely, the other smiling. The giggling twin spoke between his laughter, "Oh my gosh, did you see his face?! He looked like he was about to piss his pants! That's gold!"

"Tone it down on the creepy factor, Anti. He's gonna have nightmares or something." Jackie whispered, but even he was having a pretty good time annoying the rest of the egos. Anti leaned in slightly, before saying quietly, "Hey, uh... it's actually been kind of fun... to do this, I mean."

"Yeah, I had a good time just playing video games with you. Maybe next time we can do it without the disguises?" Jackie suggested, and Anti nodded with a small smile. Their conversation was cut short by Henrik entering the room, moving to sit at the head of the table. He set down his plate of pizza, pulling out a newspaper to flip through. Jackie spoke up, "Hey, Schneep, can you tell us apart?"

"Vhat kind of a question is zhat? Of course I can."

"Okay, so do it." Anti challenged. Henrik rolled his eyes as he reached into his pocket. Without warning and not even looking up from his newspaper, he suddenly pulled a pistol on them, firing it off at one of the twins. Instantly, the other Septics were running in from the kitchen, eyes wide with horror as one of the brothers was knocked off his chair and laying on the floor. The other twin stood up in terror, staring down at the body on the floor. Chase stepped forward, yelling, "Henrik! What have you done?!"

Henrik didn't respond, but he didn't need to. The body on the ground stirred. He groaned loudly as he sat up, blood pouring from his wound, "God, Schneep... that hurt..."

"Oh thank Jesus, it's Anti." Marvin said, sitting on the ground. Jackie's looked over at Henrik, "You could've just told us who was who!"

"Vell, I didn't really know... I vas bluffing most of zhat." Henrik said, taking off his glasses and cleaning them on his shirt. Anti promptly flipped off the doctor, frowning to himself. JJ shook his head at the doctor in disappointment. Henrik smirked, "At least all of zhis can be over. Ve can say I successfully told zhem apart, no?"

There was a request to showcase twin Jackie and Anti with some fluff involved. I don't really remember who commented, but I hope this will suffice :)

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