The Winter Season (All Egos)

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Snow fell from the greyish sky and onto the Septic's roof. JJ was sitting on his bed, staring out at the snowflakes, intrigued. There was a soft knock at his door, so he jumped up, rushing to the door and opening it.

Robbie was standing there, smiling happily and clapping when the door was opened. JJ smiled, grabbing his hand and pulling him to the window, where the zombie stared out at the cold world.

In the living room, Jackaboy and Marvin were decorating the Christmas tree, Marvin wrapping lights around it using his magic, and Jackaboy flying up and using his superspeed to put ornaments on.

Henrik had gone to work already, and Chase was standing in the kitchen, making coffee and talking on the phone with Stacy, his ex. Their conversation for once wasn't an argument.

Shawn was painting (like always), but this time he was making little Christmas Bendy's for CHARITY. S34N was watching nearby and texting Jack, who was elsewhere.

Anti was crouched in a dark corner of the living room, making snowflakes with piles of paper in front of him, grumbling about some tradition.

"This is just stupid. Why cut out snowflakes when there's actual snow outside?" He mumbled, continuing to cut.

Chase, who just walked into the room carrying 6 mugs of coffee in the crook of his arms, spoke up as he was handing one to each of the egos in the room, "It's called decoration, Anti. Stop being a Scrooge about it."

"I'm not a-" Anti started, but was cut off by Chase handing him the coffee, to which he immediately took a drink out of. When he took the mug down from his lips, he continued, "-Scrooge."

Chase rolled his eyes, sitting on the couch next to S34N, who looks over at him, "What's happening with Stacy?"

Chase sighs, "Well, she didn't yell... for once. But she wants the kids all of their Winter break."

The other's in the living room look over, immediately all protesting, including Anti, "Chase, she can't do that! It's against the law."

Chase nods sadly, "I know, I know... But she's got a better lawyer than I do. And she calls this place 'dangerous'".

Everybody looks to Anti, crossing their arms. The glitch immediately puts his hands in the air in surrender, "Hey, not my fault she's scared of a little blade."

Marvin rolls his eyes, "Yeah... Little. You pulled a fricking katana on her, which you had stolen from Yan."

Anti frowns, "One, Yan gave it to me. And two, Stacy shouldn't have broken the law!"

Chase interrupted before it turned into a fight, "Look, guys, it's okay. I wasn't the best father anyway. She can keep the kids for their Winter Break."

Jackaboy glances over, hovering in the air, putting the star on the tree, "How about you just take Robbie and JJ out into the snow and worry later..."

Chase nods, standing and moving towards the stairs, calling the two's names. Anti stands up as well, lifting up a giant pile of snowflakes and setting them on the couch.

S34N looks over, "You've finished?"

Anti nods, shrugging, "It was easy. I'm gonna go outside and throw snowballs at passing cars. See ya!"

Anti glitches out of the house, Chase, JJ, and Robbie all walking towards the front door, already dressed in warm outfits, going outside to play together happily.

~Meanwhile, in the Iplier House~

Will was walking around the living room drunkly, Dark watching him and also trying to read a book.

The Jim's were under a table, CJ pointing a camera at RJ, who was speaking about "Shadow Jim" and "Pink Jim".

"Will, please sit down before you fall into the fireplace...."

"I'm nooooot gonnnaaa faaalllll-" Will hiccups, swinging a bottle of alcohol around, standing dangerously close to the fire.

Dark sighs, shaking his head and looking back to his book. King suddenly runs into the room, knocking over Will as he falls down.

Will draws his gun, pointing at King who instantly raises his hands in surrender, Will passing out after a second.

King sighs, Dark not looking up as he asks, "In a hurry there?"

King nods happily, "Yeah... It's snowing!"

"Take Eric, Yan, and Randall with you if you go outside." Dark doesn't look up but King's eyes widen, smiling as he runs off to get his friends.

Google and Bing walk into the room, both holding cocoa as they sit on the couch together, sipping and talking quietly.

Bim walks outside, covered it layers of clothing, Silver following, flying off as soon as he stepped outside. Bim gets into his car, driving off.

Derek and Ed are playing cards in the dining room, ignoring everything around as they place bets as well.

"The Host is busy narrating everything that's been happening, smiling at the feeling of the cold season. The Host apologizes for Clover's late schedule, but also hopes you enjoyed this chapter"


I guess since it's January it's still Winter, right? Yeah, let's just say that.

Hope you enjoyed :)

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