Android-LoverBots (Google x Bing)

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Google and Bing were sitting on two bean bag chairs in Bing's room, one was updating again, and the other was hitting a ball against a wall in a rythmic motion.




Google looked almost irritated at the others movements, his eyes glowing a bright blue as he glitched out slightly at each boing.

Bing wasn't looking at Google, so he didn't see his frustration. Instead, Bing hummed a tune to the pace of the ball hitting the wall.

"Why do you insist on doing that? Androids such as ourselves are unable to have emotion. Why do you display boredom?" Google spoke up, briefly pausing his upgrade to speak.

"Because I am, Googs!" Bing whined.


"I have nothing to do!"

"Also false."

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yes. You can upgrade or you can work on that project you always talk about with S34N."

Bing shrugged, "I finished it. C'mon, if I don't have anything to do..."

Google shook his head, "I'm not going to cuddle."

"Please?" Bing whined, giving his best baby voice.


Bing gasped, "You're my boyfriend, Googs!"

"Since when?"

"Oh my god. Since last year, Googs!"

"No, we aren't dating."


"I don't like you in a boyfriend-type way, Bing. That's final."

Bing pulled a small box out of his pocket, throwing it across the room in anger.

"I was gonna ask you to marry me, Googs. Get out of my room." Bing's eyes welled with tears, and Google stood, walking towards the other Android, and kneeling.

"It's weird, Bing. I really don't like you in a boyfriend way, but..." Google pulled out an almost identical small box.

Bing gasped, surprised, "You... you..."

"I was going to propose on the day we met, in a month or so, but today will work as well."

Bing interrupted before Google could ask, "Yes. Yes! Oh my god, G! I love you!"

Bing leaned in, kissing him and giving him a warm embrace. Google opened the box to reveal a golden ring with small words printed on the outside, "I love you to the moon and back".

Google slid it onto Bing's ring finger, kissing him tenderly, "I love you, Bing."

"Wait, so was you being mad at me part of your plan?"

"Nope, but you're my fiancé, Bing. I only let people I love get me to experience emotions." Google explained, a smile on his lips.

"Mm, me too." Bing hummed, cupping Google's face in his hands, "Now carry me."


"Where's the quickest place to get married at?" Bing grinned.

Google picked the shorter android up, snatching his sunglasses and putting them on his own face, putting his glasses on Bing, "Of course... dude."


Jesus, it's been like 11 days since I last updated! I've been off-track since school began, and it's getting annoying.

I feel like I'm running out of ideas, and this One-Shot wasn't my best work, considering I wrote it at like 1 AM one morning.

I also may be taking a *brief* break from One-Shots for maybe a few weeks to work on other things, so, be prepared. ♥️💙🧡💛💚💜🖤

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