The Perfect Week (Eric)

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The idea of a perfect week for Eric Derekson wasn't how any other ego would spend their time.

He wasn't like Dark, who would get work done so he could spend time with Anti.

He wasn't like Wilford, who would get drunk and forget about his past.

He wasn't like Google, who would spend his time upgrading.

He wasn't like Bing, who would skate around the house.

He wasn't like Silver Shepherd, who was out fighting crime.

He wasn't like Ed, who would spend time trying to sell his own son.

He wasn't like Host, who would be talking on the radio.

He wasn't like Yan, who would be trying to get with her Senpai.

He wasn't like Bim, who would be hanging out with Matthias.

He wasn't like King, who would play with his squirrels.

He wasn't like Dr. Iplier, who would be saving lives whilst telling them they were dying.

He wasn't like the Jim's, who would be filming for television.

He wasn't like Randall, who was always just hanging out somewhere.

And he wasn't like his father, who would be dreaming of his wife and other sons...

His better sons...

Not Eric...

Not him...

Not ever.

No, Eric was different. Sure, he was nervous. Sure, he had massive losses in his family. Sure, life had always been downhill.

But he was trying.

Trying to love himself.

Trying to be a better person.

Trying to have a normal life again.

So, you know what Eric was?

He was a fighter.

He was a believer.

He was a hoper.

He was Eric Derekson.

And he, out of all the others, out of everyone he had ever met, he was going to have the perfect week.

And nothing was going to stop him.


Aw, I love Eric so much!

As you could tell, this wasn't a ship, which proves I haven't run out of ideas! Ha! Take that world!

But seriously, I'm trying to get back in the mood, which I've been out of since school got out.

Anyway, Peace out y'all ✌️


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