Shower room

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I walk towards the boys changing room and push the door open without a knock.

"Jeon Jungkook!!" I scream.

"Y/n.. this is the boys room.." Taehyung who was standing right next to the door says with a startled expression.

"She can be here, does she have a single thing that girl's do?" Jungkook knows exactly what to say to hurt me but I'm used to it, used to being hurt by him.

"Here!" I say as I place a pack of condoms in his hand.

"What? Now you want me to fuck you?" He said trying his best to not show the surprise on his face.

"In your dreams! I don't know why you're asking my best friend out but I wouldn't want her to get herpes."

"Aren't you the one having herpes." He said leaning against the lockers as he holds the box between two fingers and flicking it with a third as if it was not a box of protection but an accessory given to him to make him look cool.

"If I did I would make sure to give it to you." I make sure to tell him how much I hate him too.

"Even if you pay me, I'd never want to sleep with a girl like you." He said crossing him arms over his chest to look big, he was trying to dominate me.

"You're referring to me as a girl now?" I chuckle drily.

"So what you want me to call you a hoe?"

Without realising I raise my hand to slap him right across his face but he was quick to hold my hand and turn me around pinning me to the locker.

Our faces so close that I could smell his body wash reminding me he just came out of the shower and his lack of clothes, he was in his shorts only.

"Looks like you're enjoying this." He said and why wouldn't he realise when I've been ogling him.

Then next idea that pops up in my mind is to knee him in his groin to get rid of him so I plan on doing it but Jungkook's a step ahead again..

He was standing in between my legs.

Leaning against the locker hands pinned above my head with my legs spread apart and Jungkook between them!

A third person looking at us would definitely laugh at the way I was standing...

Oh third person? Taehyung? Shit I quickly try peeking to see if Taehyung was still around.

"Taehyung.." I whisper.

"Now you care?"

"Move away from me what will he think!!" I try pushing him away.

"Didn't you think about this before entering the men's room?
Or do you now like Tae that you care what he thinks about you!"

"I care because unlike you I have a reputation to keep and I don't want people to think that I slept with you and ruin my life!" I remind him how much of a Playboy he was.

"If only you actually cared about your character like you care about your reputation, you would have hurt less people."

"What do you mean--

Before I could finish my sentence Jungkook pulls me into one of the showers.

"What the f--" he shuts my mouth with his palm.

"Everyone is here!" He whisper shouts and my eyes widen in shock!

"Actually.. why do I care, let them see the desperate person sneaking into the men's room--" he was about to open the door and leave but I pull him away and put my arms on his neck hanging on him so my legs don't reach the floor.

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