CHAPTER 33: Nightstay

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"No, Jungkook it's not your mistake I was thinking too much into it, infact I am quite comfortable it's good to have someone to put your head on." I put my head on his shoulder and honestly it felt soo good, it felt like home.


"I mean it's good to be close to you.."


We stay like that for a few minutes until Jungkook's phone starts buzzing, it wasn't the first time today.

"Y/n, I should leave or else I'll end up sleeping on the couch." He gets up to get his jacket and I hold his wrist to stop him.

"Can't you just sleep here?" I don't know what came over me but it felt soo good to be with him that I didn't want him to leave yet and it wasn't the first time he would be staying over so, it wouldn't be anything weird.

"I don't want a backache tomorrow."

"No, I mean you can sleep in my room, I-- I mean don't get me wrong it's just too late and--"

"It's fine I'm okay with going late." He gets up from the couch and picks his jacket.

I walk him out and as I say my goodbyes his phone starts ringing once again seeing it was 11 at night I ask him.

"Who's calling you this late at night? Got a date?" It felt weird asking him if it was a date even though he always had one and I was used to it.



"Why? Is there a problem?" He asks looking at my pale face.

"No, no I was just teasing, didn't expect you were actually going on a date...
At this time..."

"It's not a date actually.. you know nobody goes on a date at such a time..,
Its actually just, ummm... hanging out." He basically meant hookup.

"Would it be okay if I ask you it is?" I don't know why I was asking this.

"Why would you want to know? It's not like I'm marrying her."

"Oh come on tell me we're not supposed to keep secrets."

"I would tell you if she was someone important, I'll leave now she's getting impatient." He's says hugging me before leaving and I swear I wanted him to hug me little longer.

As soon as he leaves I quickly go and knock unnies door, without her answering it I enter her room, she was laying down her bed watching somethingon her phone.

"Jungkook's doing on a date!" I announces before sitting on her bed beside her and she sits up putting her phone to the side, I have never disturbed her like this before I generally wait till she wakes up before we talk, I don't know why but I feel at peace after discussing things with her, Its maybe because she's much more mature than me and even if she acts all cool ,she gives me the right advices.


"At this time, which means he's fu-- I mean hooking up." I explain more like complain getting worked up over the entire situation.


"I- I told him to stay over but he said he doesn't mind driving this late and is now going to some other girl."

"Why do you make it sound like your husband left you to go sleep with his mistresses?"

"That's not the point,he rejected my offer of staying over."

"Y/n, why did you want him to stay over?"

"Because... I didn't want him to drive back home this late.."

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