Chapter 41: Next step

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Jungkook's POV

Tae and I were having a match when suddenly my phone starts buzzing and it was Yuna?

"Did she call the wrong person?" I show Tae my screen smirking at him.

I know there's something going on with the two of them and I also know Tae won't tell me about it, yet.

"Why would she call me?" He acts as if he doesn't care but as soon as I answer the call I see him sit up straight yo listen to our conversation.

"Jungkook, you need to be here right now, Y/n's super drunk and she's crying."

"Whst? Where us see right now and who let her--"

"Her place."

Without another word I leave not bothering to even  change, Y/n has a low tolerance and she usually were happy when she's drunk I don't k Ow what must have happened.

"Did she get her toes knocked by the bed or did she fall on her face?

Weird thoughts keep getting to my head and I regret ending the call without asking Yuna the details.

Once I reach the door I quickly put in the password and as soon as I open the door I'm met with Yuna who was putting on her shoes.

"Uh, you're here already?" She sheepishly smiles at me and runs out?


I don't pay much attention to her as I am reminded of why I was here in the first place when I hear Y/n singing.

"Y/n?" I call out as I take a few steps to enter the living room.

"Kookie!" She quickly runs towards me barely making it as she hugs me.

"Oh, hey you okay?" I caress her hair while she keeps giggling.

"Come on have a drink with mee~~"She sings out pulling me along with her towards the couch Without even letting me stop her.

She was cute when she was drunk.

"Kookieee~~" She makes me sit and then picks up the bottle of soju before taking a seat on my lap.

"Hmm, baby what is it?" I don't let it get to my head knowing well she was drunk.

"Here, take a sip.

"You know I don't drink." I would drink whatever she gives because of how hot she was looking while offering me alcohol but one of us had to be sober for this to not end badly.

"Why~~" She was more upset than I had expected her to be.

"Because you're drunk and I can't get drunk as well" I explain softly not wanting to hurt her.

"Blah blah blah, you keep giving excuses, I hate you.." She punches my shoulder but I could barely feel a think she was too drunk.

"You hate me? Really? Y/n, come on look at me.." I lean forward to make her look at me but she turns around to not face me anymore.


"Baby, okay let's get you changed."

"Whyyy?? I don't look pretty In this ss
What should I wear to look pretetty..
You won't touch meew.. "

"I'll get you water, you need to sober up." I  lift her from my lap and was about to leave when she pushes me back on the couch.

I just stare ay her startled by the sudden push, she stradles me putting her hands on my shoulder as I instinctively place my hand on her waist.

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