Chapter 44: Truth

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Jungkook's POV

"Let's stop acting like this and talk it out." Jimin leans on the railing of the balcony putting one hand on it to support himself as he pushes his hair back with the other one.

Not looking one bit serious about this conversation, he was doing this just got the sake of it and he was going to turn bald soon, I hope he does.

"There's nothing to talk here, you are a snake." I had decided to act cool about the situation but I couldn't, whenever I see Jimin I just can't be calm.

"Oh come on you're the evil one." He thinks this is a joke?

"I don't think keeping someone you love away from a potential threat is evil." I defend myself.

"It's not like I could hurt her when you were the only one in her heart all along."

"That's right she didn't shed a single tear after breaking up with you, guess she understood you weren't worth it."

" I am happy to hear she didn't cry after our break up that means that I didn't hurt her, but you did, many times."

"Not anymore."

"Maybe but we never know." He shrugs his shoulders telling ne he doesn't believe what I said.

"What the hell have you been trying to do? You're here for a farewell we gave you that why don't you just leave dude."

"Dude? You must be really upset, I thought I'll never be able to break that facade once again, when was the last time? When you walked in on us sleeping together." He was provoking me and I could guess why, if I do something to him I'll be the bad guy like always.

"Jimin I'm warning you." I take a step closer keeping my hands to my side trying me best to not punch him again.

"That's not what I want."

"What the f*ck do you want then?"

"Your apology maybe? Get my friend back if I'm lucky.."

"Apology? For what exactly and I don't befriend backstabbers."

"You and I both know that we've done those selfish things to get Y/n and let me remind you kook you started it first."


3 years ago (Jimin's Pov)

"Ahh I hate this." She lays down on the couch to stretch herself and a moan leaving her mouth effecting me down there.

"Give me 2 mins and I'll beat your a**" She says and I dream of the same thing just literally.

"Jimin let's talk." I see Jungkook glaring at me.

I follow him into Y/n's balcony

"Jimin, I like Y/n."

"I guessed ." I was a little shocked not because I didn't know Kook's feelings for Y/n but why was he telling me that, now?

"I'm planning to ask her out after I'm done with exams."

"And? Why are you telling me this?"

"Just wanted to share it with someone."

"I don't think so. Whatever." He was basically warning me to stay away from Y/n but I didn't see his point he wasn't dating her and she wasn't his to begin with.

That day I knew I had to get Y/n, behind Jungkook's back.


Jungkook's pov (Present)

"You made a low move and I followed your path." He puts the blame on me entirely, I did tell him about it when I noticed him getting a little too comfortable around Y/n but since the day I met him I've made sure he knows that Y/n is off limits, wasn't it a good enough sign for him to understand.

"But I was in love with her." I don't argue but tell him only what's important.

" I was serious about her as well." And I wanted to ask him how he was so casual about breaking up with her when he was serious.
I know him very well Y/n was just an attraction to him and now it's Yuna that's the reason he's trying to talk it out.

"But you guys broke up."

"And you're happy aren't you."

"So? What so you want me to do."

"Get over it so I can leave without any hard feelings."

"You're apologizing?" I didn't understand what he was saying exactly so I ask him but he scoffs in reply.

"No I'm telling you to accept that it's both our fault and that we get over it."

"I would have but you lied to me."

"I didn't I was serious about her why would I ruin our friendship otherwise."

"You know what I'm talking about Jimin, you're good with your words you purposely made me think Y/n cheated on you that's why you dumped her, then 2 days later you tell me your break up was mutual." I ended up calling Y/n a wh"re, Jimin made me think she had cheated on him a few times and I was upset and I was trying to hurt her for not choosing me but above all I wanted her attention and I did stupid stuff like this.

"No, i--"

"Whenever I called you putting my ego and self respect aside just to ask how Y/n was you made me think she didn't care about me expect for when it was my birthday.
You told me you guys were soo happy that I shouldn't ruin it by coming back to Seoul."

"If you're so bitter I can't help it but I didn't mean any of it in fact all I want is good for you guys." There he was again trying to play the victim.

"You meant every bit of it Jimin you're the worst manipulator and I'm glad you're going away make sure to never show your face to us and if you ever try contacting Y/n ever again it won't just end with a punch." I warn him.

"If that's what you want, I'll leave." He shrugs acting as if he doesn't really understand how severe this situation is.

"Also, stay away from Yuna, I'm not letting you ruin my best friend's relationship."


Only 1 more chapter left.

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