Epilogue 2: Under the table

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All Jimin wanted is to meet at a restaurant for lunch and I was waiting for kook to get dressed but it seems like he was doing this on purpose.

"One last kiss baby."

"Kook I know you're doing this on purpose." I dodge him once he leans in for another kiss.

"I am hurt, you don't want to kiss me anymore?" He pouts as he pulls me closer to hug me this time.

"You think you can fool me?" He heaves a sigh squishing my cheeks and gives me a kiss before finally heading into his room.


"Y/n! Here." Jimin calls us once we enter the cafe.

"Oh hey." I greet him before pulling out the chair beside him to sit but maybe kook thought I did it for him because he took the seat.

I ignore what he just did and Sit beside him.

"I heard you're leaving for good." Jungkook asks his tone laced with excitement which he didn't bother to hide.

"Yes I'm going to China." Jimin confirms.

"That's great, I am happy."

"We're happy for you Jimin should we order?--" I try to not make it weird for him because my boyfriend was getting too excited and the way he was acting felt like he would throw a party once Jimin leaves.

"Y/n!!" It wasn't Jimin this time, it was.. Yuna.

"Yuna?" I look at her confused as she walks towards our table with Tae?

"Yuna?" Jimin repeats her name and Jungkook asks him if he knows her.

"No, but she's pretty." He shrugs not bothering to look at kook as he continues checking out Yuna.

"I am Kim Taehyung, Jungkook's best friend." I glare at him when he introduces himself to Jimin who barely took a look at Tae.

"I am Jimin and you must be Yuna." He stands up to take Yuna's hand but Tae is quick as he takes Jimin's hand is his own.

"She is. You guys ordered food yet?" He says taking a seat beside Jimin so Yuna was now sitting in front of me, and Jungkook was in front of Tae.

"So you're Y/n's ex-- their friend?" Yuna quickly corrects herself.

"I am, since we're both friend with them I think we can be friends as well--

"No!" Tae suddenly shouts making us flinch and God he always attracts attention from others.

"My stomach hurts, kook let's order something first."

Once we were done ordering I look at Tae with a smirk it was time for payback.

"Yuna, Jimin's leaving for China--

"Oh that's great, have a good trip man." Tae cuts me off but I don't stop.

"You can talk to him if there's anything you want to ask--

"You're moving to china?" Jimin asks YunA.

"No she's not." And Tae answers for her.

"I am--

"Yuna, you're leaving for China? And you didn't bother telling me? I-- I mean I know I am nothing to you but you could atleast be a little--

"It's just a family trip." She quickly blurts out before things went out of hand.

"Yuna, I have a cousin living in China and.. she's a girl so I'll give you her number and you can talk to her." Jungkook was being a knight in armor.

"Oh okay thanks.. I guess, let's dig in." She was getting uncomfortable with all the help so we all decide to shut up.

"Yuna I must say you're taste is goo, I loved Everthing you ordered.

"Thanks Jimin it's not a big deal."

"Jimin I heard you're dating?" Jungkooks bring up out of the blue.

"I am." He confirms with a big smile on his face.

"She must be pretty." I say without thinking much.

"She is, you know I am into beautiful girls that's one reason I dated you." He winks at me making me a little flustered.

"Oh.. you're not bad yourself.." I laugh awkwardly but stop as soon as I feel Jungkook's grip on my bare thigh, I shouldn't have worn a skirt..

"But it's in the past." I add to not let Jungkook get mad at me.

"But you're still beautiful." Jimin says shamelessly.

"So are you, she's lucky for sure." Or maybe I could test the waters?

Jungkook slides his hand further into my skirt as he continues sipping on his milkshake.

"You can be lucky too, you know." Jimin continues and before I could stop this because it was too much even as a joke I feely Jungkook's fingers gently circling over my heat.

"Kook." I whisper getting alarmed at hus bold move.

"Flirt with him once again and I'll show him how you m*an for me and how you can m*an only for me."

"You okay Y/n?" Yuna asks me, I was obviously flustered so bad.

"Yeah." I choke out quickly taking the milkshake at hand.

"Come on you can't be blushing just because of my offer I thought you got used to my flirting." Jimin gives me a teasing smirk and if kook wasn't just cupping my heat I'd laugh at Jimin's face for thinking I'm like this because of him.

"Yeah.." I say because I didn't know how to react to this  when I thought I couldn't bear this anymore without m*aning in pleasure Jungkook puts a little more pressure and I'm done for, I quickly scoot a little forward to not let anyone else catch us.

"I-i mean, let's get the bill since we're done. "I quickly change the topic.

"Oh it's fine it's my treat." Jimin suggests he pay.

"We can pay for ourselves." Jungkook flatly denies.

"I invited you'll so it's fair." He shrugs casually calling the waiter.

"Jimin it's fine we can all pay for ourselves it's not a big deal." I side with Jungkook for various other reasons but also because he's right.

"If Jungkook doesn't want it fine but I'm paying for you and Yuna." Jungkook looks at me, waiting for me to deny his offer again but doesn't give me more than 2 seconds.

His fingers expertly push my panties to the side as he slides his middle finger between my folds.

"Kook! I mean Jimin let's pay for ourselves, also we have somewhere to be at."

"Jungkook let's have a word." Jimin walks out of the cafe and Jungkook gets his hand out of my private space, not before Licking his fingers clean right in front of my eye as he winks at me.


I should probably put these as chapters instead of epilogue, tell me what you guys think.

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