Chapter 22:New Ride

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I tap my foot against the floor waiting for Jungkook when I see him walking towards me but he wasn't alone.

"Heyy." I greet Jungkook and Tae who was with him, Tae has been getting on my nerves lately.

"Did you wait long?" He says as he looks for his keys.

"Not really but I'm tired let's leave quickly." I reply but I didn't sound one bit tired, I was tired before Jungkook was here but looking at him gives me this weird energy, it refreshing and I feel happy, maybe it happens when you see people you adore.

"Y/n? Remember you have Jihyo my number." Tae whom I didn't give much attention asks.

"Yeah and you didn't thank me yet." I act hurt.

"Well I did repay your favour." He gives me this very creepy smile and now I don't want any thank yous' anymore

"And how exactly did you do that?" I ask still being curious.

"Well you know this famous senior in 4th semester, he asked about you.. and I gave him your number." He replies proud of his actions.

"And who said you could do that." I was about to tell Tae that it wasn't the best way to return the favour but Jungkook rudely asks him before I could say anything.

"I thought I could set her up knowing how much she cried after her break-up." Did he just say that!

"I never cried after my break up."

"You did infact you drank so much and passed out in my house and then Jungkook had to take care of you all night--" Jungkook took care of me?!!

"You did infact you drank so much and passed out in my house and then Jungkook had to take care of you all night--" Jungkook took care of me?!!

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"Taehyung!! What are you talking about..
She is okay with being single and you donot get to set her up with a senior." Jungkook cuts him off and answers for me.

"Why? That's unfair you go around fucking girls and she doesn't get a fair chance to date." Well Tae was kinda right...

"That doesn't mean you set her up with a senior with a bad reputation." Jungkook was serious and I really wanted to help Tae out by telling him to shut up but he wouldn't look at me infact both of them didn't look at me it was as if it was some sort of argument they were having which didn't involve me.

"Well his reputation isn't bad and if I wasn't straight he'd be the one for me so, Y/n what I mean is, don't miss this chance with him." He now talks looking at me.

"Fuck off Tae she doesn't--

"Heyy Y/n right?" That very senior we were talking about joins us.

"Oh, yess it's me." I reply politely.

"I am Seokjin you can call me Jin, I just spoke to Tae about you and I'm sorry of I look like a creep but I couldn't miss a beautiful lady like you." Am I blushing? Hell yes.


"Tae actually gave me your number but I wouldn't contact you unless you're okay with it." He explains and it was a kind gesture because people don't really ask if you're okay before texting.

"She's cool with it, I just informed her." Tae butts in infact lies about it.

"Oh then that's great are you heading home?" He suddenly asks catching me off guard

"Yes actually jung--

" Jin hyung Y/n lives near you house how about you give her a ride." Is Tae playing the role of a cupid here? Someone please tell him to stop because Jungkook's clenched fits might make contact with his face soon.

"I wouldn't mind." Seokjin replies, as if he would say that he was busy, Tae just puts everything in a weird situation.

"I actually have a ride home already--

"Y/n, actually Jungkook and I have to leave for practice so I think it would be convenient for you to go with him." Tae replies and that's what they've been doing for the past 1 week whenever I tried to get Jungkook to talk to me he wanted to "urgently" meet Tae, I wouldn't be surprised if you'd say they are secretly dating.

"No we don--"

"Give me your bag I'll put it in the backseat." Before Jungkook could say something Seokjin was asking for my bag.

"No, it's fine I'll just hold it." I reply awkwardly.

"Why borther when you can put it away." He insists and I give up on my bag which he kindly puts in the backseat.

"So Y/n does your class end at this time,
They make you'll stay longer." He initiated a conversation and since I couldn't be rude with a senior I reply to him.

"Do they? Did they leave you'll early?"I ask acting surprised, honestly all these lectures and practicals were getting at me and I needed a break.

"Yes, just be careful of Mr Jung, if you're in his good books you're safe." And we continued talking the entire way home, Jin kep telling me stories of his batch when they were in first year telling about the teachers and a lot more, he made me feel so comfortable that I was actually having a conversation with someone I met just now and not because he was my senior.

Once we reach near my apartment I tell him to drop me of a few streets away, I trust him because of Tae but I still didn't want to take any chances and Jin Oppa didn't mind either.

I bid him goodbye and he insists on picking me up the next day but I politely refuse.

"I'll text you! Bye!"

"Bye." And I wait for him to take a turn before walking towards my apartment, entering the code I open the door, I was exhausted today and all I wanted to do was quickly change into my pajamas and sleep, since I am late today Unnie might be here already--

"Ahh--" I scream when someone flips me around pinning me to the door my hands behind me and his other hand on my mouth to stop me from asking for help.

"Please I don't have anything let me go.." I scream from below his hand but only muffled voices leave my mouth.

"How was your ride here?"


"That doesn't answer my question."


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