Ch38: Abs

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"Baby, you know I'd want you to blow me more than you do, I mean I've always imagined how your lips would feel around me and..
And I'd love that to happen but not now, I--

"Kook, I, I was getting my hairclip." She slowly lifts her hand to show the haiclip in her hand...

She was on her knees to get that hairclip that had fallen on the floor!!

2days later

Y/n Pov

"No, he's not volunteering."

We're at the practical hall and we have clinical examination of abdomen which means the subject will have to strip off their shirt, Tae wanted Jungkook to do it and I wasn't going to let that happen!!

"Oh come on Y/n, don't you want to perform the practical." Tae tries to convince me.

"I do but I wouldn't want Kook to be the subject, I mean why would he be the subject?" I argue with him.

"Because the peon is absent and the teacher said that if we don't have a subject chosen in the next 5 minutes she's never going to teach us." Kim Taehyung never cares about practicals but he is quite interested today! He's getting on my nerves.

"You do it!" I try putting him in the spot instead.


"No!" Tae and Yuna loudly reject the offer and I see a few classmates look in our direction.

"I am shy." He mumbles.

"And so is he

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"And so is he." I reason with them.

"As if, almost everyone here has seen him shirtless already." He scoffs and I glare at him, they must have in the past but they won't get to see that now.

"Hey." The subject of interested finally joins us.

"Why are you late? Again." I ask him.

"I woke up later than usual." He shrugs.

"That's not imp bro, I hope you're ready to strip for the practical examination." Tae says and I really wanted to ask ehy he was getting soo excited even though I knOw he's doing it to piss me off.

"I'm not stripping."

"He's not stripping." Jungkook and I shout this time.

"Okay but Y/n why don't you want him to strip infact, why do you want me to strip, perhaps have you finally realised that I'm the better man-"


"Students please stand around the table, I've already explained everything and now I'll be demonstrating, I need one of the boys to be the subject." And just as expected none of the guys were ready to do it.

Removing your shirt in front of the entire class is definitely not easy, not untill you have an abdomen like kook, I could run my hands on it and kiss it all day long not at night though because it'll be for appreciating other parts--

"Okay then, I'll randomly call a roll number whoever it is will be the subject." Everyone agrees to this and Oh! how lucky I am because Jungkook was chosen.

"Lay down and bend your legs." The teacher instructs and everyone quickly gather around the table, the girls getting way too eager...
But I don't let anyone beat me to it, I go and stand right beside the professor who was about to start the examination.

"You can relax, you don't have to take your shirt off just lift it a little."

And Jungkook without any hesitation does that,maybe he wanted to do it after all and I couldn't help but ogle untill Yuna nudges me and I clear my throat, my cheeks getting red because I was caught red handed just now.

"Since we don't have the peon to help us out, only I will be performing on him, later we will be dividing ourselves Into two different groups for boys and girls." I was relived as I heave a sigh and I think I was too loud because I see Jungkook looking at me.

I quickly look away.

The professor uses her fingers to palpate each part of the abdomen, slightly pressing her fingers over it, she was soo professional that Jungkook I'm sure wasn't that uncomfortable anymore and everyone was now focusing on the examination untill Tae raises his hand.

"Ma'am is this right?" He says placing his hands on Jungkook's abdomen and pressing on it with his fingers just the way the professor did but then he looks up at me giving me a smug smile which says


"Yes that's right, boys can perform on Jungkook and girls can come with me to the other room

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"Yes that's right, boys can perform on Jungkook and girls can come with me to the other room."

"It would be great if we got to do it on Jungkook." A girl says and I could hear the disappointment in her tone.

"You're right I would have made sure he comes back." The other says giggling.

This is the reason I didn't want Jungkook to be the subject!

"That's disrespectful don't you think? You're not supposed to talk about you subject that way." I obviously wouldn't just sit there and let them sit and talk that way about my man.

"No. We didn't mean too, we're sorry." She quickly apologized knowing what they did was unethical and not what a doctor should do.

"That was cool dude, but.."


"Don't tell me you didn't want to perform it on him." Yuna asks with a smirk knowing what my answer would be.

"I did and I can think that way." I say confidently and she raises her brow at me.

"We like each other." I justify

"But you're not dating yet?"

"He didn't answer my question when I asked him.. I know I made him wait but I feel like crying whenever you remind me about it." Jungkook kissed my forehead, I gave him a lovebite and that was it, he didn't give me an answer so I decided to not rush him.

"How about you ask him out again on the date which he said yes to?" Yuna tries to help me out.

"That's the plan but I don't know what would make him happy.." I sounded almost sad.

"I think you know the best after all you've known him forever, just be confident."


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