Ch36: Secrets

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"Cool, I'm leaving." She doesn't beg me stay and I shouldn't have expected her to but I did and I hate myself for hurting my own feelings when I clearly know she doesn't want me that way.

Y/n pov

It was windy and I was stupid for standing on an empty street outside the house where some people are probably having their best time, yes I mean Jungkook.

By acting soo reckless I'm only letting him win, he always thinks that I'm stupid and cannot take care of myself but I'm not that dumb, I've booked a cab and I'm not standing too far from the entrance of the house so I can just run inside in case of emergency.

"Hop in." Whilst waiting for the cab another car which was too expensive for a cab stops right in front of me and I quickly get alerted taking a few steps away but before I could make another move the windows roll down and I see Tae.

"Oh my god you startled me."

"And you look funny, now get on because we need to go home quick." Considering Tae is joking right now means he doesn't know.

"We? Oh kook?"

"Yes and your "kook" needs to be at home right now." I don't say anything but take the front seat, Jungkook seemed to be passed out behind and after what had happened it's better if I keep shut.

Tae first takes us to their apartment and Jungkook gets off, oh so he wasn't sleeping after all.

"Tae, you don't have to take me all the way to my place I'll just get a cab."

"It's only a 10minute drive and I don't want Kook to be mad at me."

"So, what happened at the party, he seemed out of it." He asks.

"I don't know how to put it but, I basically messed up, I hate it how I don't want to ruin things but I do exactly that."

"But I thought you'll had it all sorted out."

"Lets not talk about that, how about you tell me how you met Jungkook?" I was aching  to know this.

"Why don't you ask him yourself or you would rather talk about other things with him." He jokes and I simply laugh because we don't.

"I was his grandmother's neighbor and last year he spent there and since both of us had taken a drop we kinda got close

"Why did you do that? And Jungkook's grandmother never had any neighbours."

"We bought that house last year as well and my marks weren't good enough to get me into medical college so I took a drop."

"What about Jungkook?" I ask Tae because Jungkook wouldn't tell me he somehow manages to always smoothly change the topic.

"I'm not sure if I should tell you that.."

"Tae, come on don't be a party pooper." I try to convince him.

"Excuse me but for all I know you are the party pooper and I don't want to get killed, I think there's a way.."

"What do you want now?"

"Nothing big, maybe set me up with Yuna?"

"No thanks, I don't want to hurt her."

"I was just kidding why would I want to go out with her anyways I was just checking how good of a friend you are and I don't need you to set me up with anyone I'm charming enough to do that on my own."

"Okay then it is sorted now tell me, why did he take a drop."

"At first he said he doesn't have anything decided but as we got close and I also saw him crying on his birthday when he received a parcel from you, I confronted him. ..
He said that he wanted to go to college with someone.."


"That's what my reaction was, he never told me it was you but I guessed when I saw him looking at to all the time during classes and how he purposely picked fights with you but still made sure doing okay, Y/n I really think you should reconsider your decision because Jungkook needs more from you and I know you do too, I've seen how you look at him and how much you get protective of him, he has kept it all inside he's been pretending to be all right for the past few months the since he rejected you but a person can only keep in soo much."

"I thought what I did was to save our friendship but I just ruined it." I couldn't help the tears leaving my eyes, I felt horrible, I cried for a while and I knew I have to fix this.

"Y/n, please don't hurt him anymore"

"You don't have to drop me home anymore."


"I have to talk to him."


I quickly get out of the car and take the stairs because I was too impatient to wait for the lift, I wanted to see him right now!

I enter the password, I know it because I've been here a lot and Jungkook is never discreet when putting in the digits.

I move towards his door and knock a few times.

"I'm sleeping Tae, what is it?" He asks and I know he is upset or maybe more.

"Jungkook, It's me, I-- can you please open the door? I-"

"I am really sleepy, you can take the couch for today."

"Jungkook I know why you took a drop and why you even left Seoul and I want to talk to you right now!!." I scream at him but I get nothing

"Jungkook! Open the door please.."

"I am sorry"

"I'm waiting here untill you open the door."

"I really hate you for not telling me this  before."

I sit on the floor right outside his door crying because of howmuch I've hurt him,friends are supposed to make your life easier and look at me.

2 weeks later

I enter the classroom with Tae, that night when I fell asleep outside Jungkook's door, I woke up to an empty house with me being on the couch and a anket draped on me.

It made my heart warm knowing that jungkook put me here but that was a last untill Tae showed up at my place sating he'll be taking me to college because Jungkook's busy.

I told him he doesnt have to, I can manage but he didnt agree, saying he doesnt want to be a bad friend so here we are together, I go and sit with Yuna and Tae gives me an apologitic look before going to the other end of the class to sit with Jungkook.

"Any progress?"

"He's doing his best to avoid me, he doesn't answers my calls or text and if somehow I catch him alone so we could talk he acts normal and makes an excuse that he has some where to be."

"You deserve that."

"I know, that's why I'm not complaining."

"Level up your game Y/n."

"I have a plan actually."


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