Chapter 30: Miscommunication

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"Oh so you had him." I ask bitterly

"You had Jimin." He replies the same way I did.

"Your order Sir." Thankfully the waiter comes in at the right time, we eat quietly untill I break the silence.

"I don't know what to ask.."

"Okay then can I ask you something?" He asks and I'm already scared to answer.

"You can but I can't promise if I'll answer you."

"You're getting smarter by the day, you don't have feelings for jimin anymore do you?" Whenever he asks me this question I always see this hope in his eyes, the desperation to hear that I don't feel anything for Jimin.

"I never did, with Jimin I were happy honestly but not because i loved him ur was just attraction because obviously he is that kind of a person he is charming, I never dated a guy and he gave me the attention any girl would want so I enjoyed it but as time passed both of us realised we were better of friends.."

"I knew it!" He hits his hand on the table out of excitement.

".. how was it in Busan, what did you do for an entire year?" I ask him nervously.

"Depressing.. it was.. sad I missed you." I could see how hurt he was.

"I missed you too and I want you back..
As my friend." I didn't want to loose him.

"Did you just reject me?" He quietly asks looking away from me, he was crying.

"Did you just reject me?" He quietly asks looking away from me, he was crying

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"Jungkook I--"

"Let's go out it's too suffocating in here." He pushes his chair and walks away without waiting for me.

"Jungkook!" I quickly follow him, he walks towards the garden space outside the restaurant.

"I am sorry." I hold his hand so he wouldn't walk away we had to have a proper conversation.

"For what? Rejecting me?" He removes my hand with his free hand and drops it.

"Jungkook.." I was hurt because of his reaction.

"Y/n oh my god, what is it tell me, what's so bad about me?" He had tears in his eyes once again and was feeling so bad because I was the reason behind them.


"You like someone else?"


"You're still not over him?"

"Jungkook! Listen to me, just calm down and listen.
You are a great person Jungkook and I'm over Jimin obviously because I was never into him..
But our friendship is too precious to ruin for having fun for a few days." I explain my point.

"Fun for a few days?" He was even more offended after hearing me out.

"I know you said you want it to be more but those things won't last-"

"It will with us."

"What if it doesn't?! Jungkook I want us to be friends always, forever." I say that a little louder than I intended to.

"Is this your final answer?" He looks at me right in the eyes.

"I don't want to lose you--

"Don't give me excuses, just answer my question."

" Let's just be friends."


Next morning

I woke up with a heavy head, so much of overthinking and crying last night got my head pounding, I really wanted to sleep in but 75% is fucking up my life.

On top of that  I am feeling like shit,. Because I'm sure Jungkook wouldn't even want to look at my face after yesterday, he seemed so happy and I just had to ruin it but I didn't have another option, I don't even know how to make it up for him, if he was my boyfriend I would have given him a blowjob but that's the exact point he can't be my boyfriend we're not meant to be.

I'll discuss this with Yuna as soon as I meet her.

I leave earlier than usual because I'll be taking the bus , as soon as I open my bedroom door to leave I see Jungkook standing there, he was about to knock.

"Jungkook? What are you doing here?" I ask startled my his appearance.

"I'm here to pick you?" He replies as if it was obvious after what happened yesterday.

"Oh, right..."

"You thought I'll be petty and let you go by bus?" Yes exactly that.

"No.... I-- it's because you're early! Yes because you're earlier than usual."

"I bought breakfast." He shows be the bag in his hand which I failed to notice.

"Oh thanks!" There was a very uncomfortable silence after that untill  Jungkook held my wrist pulling me with him to the couch.

He placed the boxes on the table and beside me very close to me, picking up a sandwich from it he brings it close to my mouth and I stare at him without a reaction.

"Aa" he tells me to open my mouth and I don't know what's up with him? I open my mouth and he feeds me.

Should I be happy that he isn't ignoring me after yesterday or afraid that he might have not understood my rejection?

"You got orange juice?" I ask him moving forward to pick the cup from the table as I discreetly sit back with some distance between us, my exact motive behind taking the orange juice was complete without Jungkook getting hurt.

"Hmm does it taste good?" He again shifts to my side holding his hand over mine as he brings the cup closer to his lips and drinks the orange juice, since he was so close to me I tilt my head a little away from him to not have his face inches away from mine.

"It's good we should get breakfast from here."he sits up straight and I agree with him, we quickly eat the rest of the sandwich and leave for college.

I sit on his bike and once again tilt back to not stick my body onto his but Jungkook holds my forearm and pulls me forward, wrapping my hands over his waist.

"Jungkook!" I shout in surprise.

"Don't want you to fall and end up whining like a baby."

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