Chapter 7: Cuff

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After a few(many) shots I guess I was drunk, I was feeling light, maybe it was the alcohol or because I was leaning agaist this really hot guy beside me..

"I thinks Y/n's the loser.."

"But she's drunk."

"She's drunk because she hadn't done one thing so she decided to just drink, she lost the game now is the time for the dare.

"Bring it on!! You think I'm sca...." That was the last thing I remember before passing out.


"You're up?" I hear an unfamiliar voice, I crack open one eye hoping I wasn't in an awkward situation.

"Y/n?" It was Tae, I quickly shut my eyes pretending to sleep.

"Y/n.. if you're awake take these pills I'm leaving at the bedside and come to the kitchen for breakfast." With that he leaves, Tae is literally the sweetest guy I've met.
Unlike Jungkook he didn't try embarrassing me.

I sit up once he leaves and take the two pills, my head was throbbing and I knew I had to quickly eat something.

As I walk out of his room I really hope I didn't do anything too embarrassing.

"You're here.. come on here's a sandwich and juice, I can't cook so this is all I could come up with." He said as both of us sat down on the dining table to have breakfast.

"Thank you Tae, this is good." I take a bite the sandwich and the amazing flavour fills my mouth.

"Well.. I ordered that.." he confesses

"Then you order the best sandwiches!!" I still praise him for his choice.

"Umm... Does your head hurt?"

"Not anymore.. did you put me to bed?" I ask since I was genuinely curious.

"I-- kinda... I mean yess."

"Oh I am sorry for being a trouble."

"It's okay."

"No, I am really feeling bad to cause so much of trouble..
Did I do something..
Something bad?" I ask silently praying I didn't, being a mess in front of someone you just started getting close to would be weird.

"No you were quite behaved for a drunk person other than the fact that you said I was hot and then you ended up crying about something before passing out again"

"Oh my god that's so embarrassing, please forget everything please.."

"So you don't think I'm hot?" He asks and even though it's embarrassing, I was glad he didn't bring up the part where I cried.

"I-- well Tae, you're-- you look good okay now stop teasing me." I say as my cheeks turn red.

"Am I not hot? I thought you thought I was really hot and if you weren't already committed you would date me."

No! I never said that now you're fooling around!" I defend myself with whatever I could even if I might have said that there is no way in this world I would agree to it.

"Okay okay you didn't I was just kidding..."

"Obviously you were I am very well behaved even when I'm drunk

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"Obviously you were I am very well behaved even when I'm drunk." I show off even though crying wasn't the best way of being "behaved"

"If that makes your life easier, sure." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Do you mind if I ask you who's Jimin." Just a few seconds back I was being thankful he didn't ask me about that.

"Oh.. did I say something about him last night."

"Yes you kinda cried..

"He's my ex, we broke up a week back.." I wasn't hurt when I mentioned Jimin I just missed his presence.

"Oh I am sorry.."

"No don't be I think it was for the best, I mean, I do miss him but he said we weren't a match..."

"It's okay Y/n you'll get someone better."

"Oh come on Tae does it look like I need you to comfort me right now? I am happy and I am over it okay so don't be so weird about it.." the way he tried to comfort me as of he was guilty was cute but I had to make sure to tell him I wasn't a mess after that in fact I was a mess because of a completely different reason.

"Y/n.. when Jungkook said being walked in on doing something sexual..
Both of you took a sip, I was curious...
We you guys doing something together and were caught?"

I choke on the orange juice I was drinking that moment.
Coughing unceasingly, Tae started rubbing my back untill i finally stopped.

"I am sorry I was really curious.." he said with an expression where he was feeling bad but still wanting to know what had happened.

"No, don't ever think that we did something okay, it was not us it was just me with my boyfriend and some piece of shit walked in on us even when I locked the door!"

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"No, don't ever think that we did something okay, it was not us it was just me with my boyfriend and some piece of shit walked in on us even when I locked the door!"

"You mean Jungkook?

"You're right he had spare keys to my house so he kinda walked in and we weren't doing anything major it was jus makeout.. without a clothe--

"It's okay you are red relax!" He stops me when I was about to give away unnecessary personal details about a makeout session.

"I am just alright.."

"I always wonder what kind of relationship you shared with Jungkook in the past, I mean he had you're house keys which means you guys were definitely close but you hate each other now..
Did he break your heart?"

"Why do think I'll tell you that."

"I was just trying." He said shrugging his shoulders with a mischievous smile that he was trying to avoid by biting his lips.

"Let's not talk about that and ruin the mood."

"Okay, finish your sandwich and I'll drop you to your dorm."

"No it's fine I actually have to meet someone, I'm planning to rent a flat."

"Getting a flat is actually the best decision you can make, I mean the dorms are so chaotic, you can never study there."



"You have a flat but it's still chaotic!"

"You're right" he said grinning as we had our breakfast.



Monday's are boring but I was pretty excited about today, we were going to learn how to check blood pressure, finally after these months of continuous theoretical thingies we were starting with the practicals.

"You will have to do this in pairs, every student has to check the BP of their partners, this is really important in practice as well as exam point of view so do not slack off." The professor made it sure to tell us joking around wouldn't be tolerated today.

I didn't want to do this with Yuna but I don't know if I have another option, Tae will definitely do it with Jungkook, I look around in hopes to find someone who doest have a partener so I could pair with them.
I am really excited to do this and I don't want to ruin this just because of "some people"


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