Chapter 23:Jealous

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Please I don't have anything let me go.." I scream from below his hand but only muffled voices leave my mouth.

"How was your ride here?"


"That doesn't answer my question!"

"What the hell! Let go off me I was scares to death!" He let's me go taking a step back and I finally take a deep breath turning around to see Jungkook casually walking away to sit on the sofa.

"What kind of sick joke was that and how did you get inside?!"

"I have my ways." He shrugs and I hate it, I hate it when it's a big deal for me but he acts so casual about it making me look stupid.

"Do not act smart with me." I tell him.

"Let's watch a movie we don't have much to study anyways."

"Im going to go change and then have a word with you." I was too tired to fight.

"We'll watch Ironman." He announces.

"We'll watch Ironman.. obviously not!" I mock him as I lock my room to change into something comfortable

"Is Unnie home?" I ask him once I've changed into my comfy pajama pants and an oversized shirt.

"No, it's just us." He didn't have to put it that way.

"How did you come inside then?" I ask.

"I have my ways." There he was at it again.

"As if.." I snort " why do you like to look so smart?"

"Because I am smart." He simply replies and starts the movie.

I know you are but I wasn't going to agree.

"You're stupid."

"Atleast I'm smarter than you." He roasts me.

"Keep telling yourself that." I mumble.

"That's what you say when you have nothing left." He knows me too well.

"And is this what you do when there's nothing left to do." I taunt him.

"What do you mean?"

"You've been avoiding me for so long and now you're here acting as if you did nothing wrong, Jungkook we need to seriously talk this out because I cannot tolerate this,
this weird bond were you keep prioritising others over me and--"

"You're my priority Y/n, you've always been." He cuts me off as if I said something that wasn't true.

"You always say that but you still went out with Tae for the entire week when I invited you over so many times."

Do not get me wrong I would never mind Jungkook hanging out with someone else who is not me but for the entire week whenever I asked him if we could hangout he always had to do something with Tae, it was like he was purposely using Tae as an excuse to not spend time with me and now he's suddenly here!!

"It's not that.." he trails off, probably finding a good excuse.

"You know what you don't even have to give excuses anymore just play the movie my head already hurts with all the classes today." To my surprise instead of apologizing he just played the movie I was disappointed, isn't he atleast supposed to try to get my forgiveness?!

We watch the movie in silence when my phone rings indicating I recieved a message.

Jin:heyy, it's Jin hope you reached home safely.

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