Chapter 20: Acceptance

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"Okay fine I was wrong now please talk to me." To not extend it further I sit up and move the blanket away from me.

"Let's go and talk in the living room."

"Where you were with Jimin last night? No thanks!!"

"Jungkook you know we can't talk if you keep bringing that up as if it was a crime and make me feel guilty about it, it's not like I cheated on you, I kept secrets I know and I am sorry about it." He cannot do that all over again also I suggested going down because Jungkook once said he was not comfortable being in my room when we were alone.

"Okay okay let's go." He said walking out of the room and takes a seat on the couch, the other couch to be precise.


"So." I mimic his words

"Tell me." He asks

"Tell you what?"

"Y/n this is not the time you fool around, tell me everything." He was loosing patience.

"But you'll have to promise you won't get mad." I try to play it safe.

"I won't." He simply replies not meaning it at all.

"Promise me then."

"I said I won't be mad!" I am one hundred percent sure that he is going to get mad and by the way he isn't ready to promise clearly shows he wouldn't even try to be a little understanding.

"But you're not promising!"

"Okay I promise!"

"But you don't look like you mean it."

"Because I don't!" There he said it.

"Then even I don't fell like telling you!

"Seriously Y/n! Okay I won't be mad I promise and I mean it!"

"Why are you shouting at me?"

"You're purposely doing this." He was right I was trying to fool around to make the mood lighter, that's what I always do when I upset him.

"No I'm not, you're the one shouting at me."

"But I didn't shout!"

"See you're shouting now."

"Y/n, I am very calm but if you don't open your mouth right and spit it out, I might have to break my promise" he was super frustrated now.

"Okay okay I'll tell you but before that, you look really cute when you're irritated."

"But I'm not going to act cute you know." He said clenching his teeth.

"Okay so, before I start let me remind you of our promise.." he nods his head and then I tell him everything, at first I thought about skipping out the part about the date but then I just said it, I couldn't lie to him anymore but now that i look at his expression he seems hurt? I don't know but I feel even more guilty now.

"Y/n, I don't know what to say, I need time to think about it."

"Jungkook I'm really sorry it was stupid of me to not tell you but now we're good, right?" I softly ask him.

"Y/n, I'm going home, I'll call you later." No i didn't want him to think about this alone.

"But Jungkook--

"I don't want to lash out at you again so just let me be for a while." And before I could answer he had gone and I was feeling worse.

But like he promised he did meet me, a week later when I went to his house and threatened to throw a stone at the window if he doesn't open up, Jungkook lives just 2 floors above me but it was still difficult to get hold of him.

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