Chapter: 31 Misunderstanding?

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I sit on his bike and once again tilt back to not stick my body onto his but Jungkook holds my forearm and pulls me forward, wrapping my hands over his waist.

"Jungkook!" I shout in surprise.

"Don't want you to fall and end up whining like a baby."


"Just start you bike already." I huff not wanting him to get any wrong hints even though I liked it, Jungkook had the perfect body and having your hands on it was any girls dream.

I was enjoying the fresh air hitting my face, this was honestly the best part of my day, having to spend time with Jungkook and enjoying the silence.



"Wanna hang out after college?"

"Where at?"

"Amusement park."


"Yuna." I ask for her attention in between the lecture.

"What?" She whispers back.

"Something happened."

"You fucked?" She guesses right

"I did."

"Really? Jungkook?" She gets excited over something she got entirely wrong.

"I mean I messed up." I explain ruining her excitement completely.

"You messed up? I thought you-- forget it."She ignores me and sits back straight to listen to what the professor was explaining.

"Dude it's urgent!"

"But, if professor catches us talking we're dead for sure." She tells me but she was all ears when she thought I did things with Jungkook! Anyways she was right.




"You did what??" She was way too loud but I didn't mind because we were sitting in a rather deserted place.

"I said we were better off as friends--"

"I am disowning you right now!" She stands up to walk away but I pull her back to sit down.

"Listen to me first."

"No, a stupid person like you doesn't deserve to talk, how could you reject him when you're clearly in love with him."

"I am not! If you're not going to listen to me then forget it I'll figure it out on my own." I let go of her hand not wanting to talk to her anymore, I was feeling like shit already and she was making it worse.

"Okay okay I'm listening."

"Yuna you'll don't understand, our friendship is pre--

"Precious and you don't want to ruin it, heard it 3 times in the past 5 minutes now move on."

"So Jungkook was upset when I said this to him and I didn't expect him to behave this way-

"He's fucking girls already? God,he moved on way too fast--

"Yuna!! No he didn't, I expected him to be upset and not talk to me but he's being normal."

"So you're upset about that fact that he accepted your choice and didn't run after you even after being rejected." She took it in the wrong sence again.

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