Chapter 25: CONFESSION

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I close my room and remove the sweatshirt I was wearing it was a little suffocating.

"Are you trying to seduce me?"


"Jimin!!" When I came into the room I was too much into my thoughts that I didn't notice Jimin who was standing near my window watching me getting undressed. I was startled because only Jungkook has done that and only once.

"Just because you're hot doesn't mean I'll let you off hook, you know what you did today was bad don't you?" He asks stepping closer to me.

"Jimin I am sorry-- before I could complete my entire apology he snakes his hands around my waist pulling me closer.

"Fuck, you look so hot without that sweatshirt." He mumbles between the kiss as we move towards the bed.

Our kisses soon turning hotter until Jimin got rid of his shirt as well as my bra and this is the most naked I've ever been in front of anyone.
I quickly cover myself with my arms but Jimin doesn't take note of it instead he starts kissing from my neck as he lays me down.
Since he was hovering over me I didn't feel as exposed as I was earlier so I remove my hands letting him go further, to say I regretted anything would be a lie because Jimin made me feel good.

Too good.

We were lying on my bed cuddling, I had put my hoodie back on and so did Jimin.

"About today.. "he starts but I knew I had to be the first one apologizing after what I had done

"I am so sorry Jimin I didn't want to lie to you but I didn't want to hurt you either.. Jungkook called me when I was getting ready to meet you and I couldn't say no to him because of you, that's what we promised..

"I understand Y/n but I was still hurt..

"I know and I am really sorry, I'll never lie to you again I promise." Jimin didn't deserve this i knew that.

"I'll tell you go this once but Y/n you need to realise that you can't always put me away like I mean nothing to you, it obviously hurts to know that my girlfriend chooses someone else over me every single time."

"You mean something to me Jimin.."

"Do you think when Jungkook gets a girlfriend he will cancel all his dates to be with you?" He asked me that question not because he wanted an answer it was because he wanted to make me realise something.

"You're right.."

"Y/n listen he's your friend but when you date someone it's different, you spend your entire life with your significant other, friends are around but they can never take place of you spouse ."

"You're right Jimin." I could actually imagine Jungkook ditching me to meet a girl infact he has done that a few times.

"I know he is important to you and he'll be there with you forever but he will choose his spouce over you so think before you make your decisions Y/n." All of this made me so guilty that I cover my face with my hands.

"It's okay Y/n.." he says and I i sit up to give him a peck.

"What was that for?"

"Apology" I cutely reply.

"You need to fuck him for an apology?!"

"Jungkook what the hell are you doing here?!" Jimin asks him as he quickly gets out of my bed

"You're asking me that?!"

"Obviously I am because I am her boyfriend!!"He replies equally loud.

"And she is mine." With that Jungkook moved forward to punch him one again but I stand in between them

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