Chapter 32: Home

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"You're not a good doctor then." I continue complaining not knowing how else to reply.

"And you're not good at hiding that blush." He looks at me in the eyes and being the stupid person I am I look away not being able to hold eye contact with him.

"What." I mumble looking away.

"Stop blushing Y/n you look too cute." He says flicking my chin.

"Let's start now." I say quickly sitting straight but Jungkook doesn't start instead he keeps looking at me so I take his hand and place it on my head bringing him out of his trance and he starts.

"Perfect." He whispers still staring at me even after he's done with the examination.

"Obviously after all I am your subject." I purposely act egoistic so he wouldn't say heart melting things anymore.

"Yeah right now your turn." He puts his book away and we exchange our positions.

"Jungkook, can we not go to the amusement park today? I'm really tired and want to rest." I tell him as I examine his eye movements.

"Okay." Surprisingly he agrees without throwing any tantrums.

"We could hang out at my place and watch a movie." I suggest since i didn't want to cancel our plans completely I just didn't want to go to a place wher couples usually go on a date, even though Jungkook and i have been there together a lot of times but still I didn't want things to be weird.

"For you to sleep?"

"I'll try to stay up." I promise him

"Okay movie it is then."


Like my very usual routine I quickly go straight to my room and change into my favourite t-shirt and pajamas they are so comfy I'd really love to wear it all day long without the bra ofcourse which I'll have to keep on for another few hours till Jungkook's here.

I take my blanket and pillows out and Jungkook who had gone to get us icecream knocks on the door.

"You look ready."

"I am! Let's go." My favourite icecream had made me excited.

"What are we watching?


"So you really don't plan on sleeping tonight?

"I've been feeling tired all day but I don't know why I'm really excited right now!"

Both of us sit on the sofa and Jungkook covers us up with a blanket, only 5 minutes into the movie and Jungkook had already scooted so close to me gripping my hand tight and i tried my best to keep in my laugh.

I can never be scared of horror movies when I'm watching with Jungkook, his reactions are always soo funny and I know this is weird but him being around me gives me a sense of security, like I know he's here to protect to so nothing bad will happen, even though he's scared.

"Y/n, let's watch something else, i have to drive back home alone.

"But this is fun."

"And it will be better if I stay over?"

"I-- no, okayy let's watch something else then.

"Choose something I'll get the icecream from the fridge

"You sure you can go to the kitchen by yourself?

"You sure to don't want to live anymore?" He replies without looking at me as he walk towards the kitchen, i decide to put on a comedy movie and since Jungkook was taking way to long to just get those tubs I decided to push the table towards the sofa so we could keep our snacks on it.

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