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"God, I was going down to eat but hadn't expected I'd get such a snack!" An evil idea crosses my mind and I quickly remove my shirt to throw it on the sofa before I return to open the door, I had to take revenge for what she did in the changing room today.

"You made me wait here on purpose didn't you!" She shouts at me before taking a look at my torso which caused her to shut up quickly.

"You're drooling." I tease her when she stares at my body for a little longer that she should.

"Where's Yuna, I need to talk to her it's urgent." She continued ranting as she pushes me aside to enter my house without my permission to look for someone who wasn't even here.

I hold her wrist to pull her back towards me to prevent her from going inside my house and causing a choas, I had something else in mind for her

As I pull her, she bumbs into me her face pressing against my naked chest, before she could complain I push her against the wall had place my palm over her mouth.

"Shhh, you'll wake her up."

She pushes my hand away to say something.

"Why the hell is my best friend sleeping in your house." She purposely refers to Yuna as her best friend to hurt me and I know exactly how to hurt her back.

"Because I fucked her senseless and she needs rest before we go for another round." I give her a dirty smirk to prove my point.

"No you didn't! You're ruining her life."

"We're just having fun and you're the one ruining it."

"No you're just using her to get revenge."

"I already told you to keep it low, she's resting in my room and get over yourself, it's not always about you Y/n in fact I think you're just being jealous." I know she isn't but saying those words would piss her off and I has to so exactly that.

"Yes you're right I am jealous and Jungkook same goes for you it's not always about you!" She shouts before pushing me away to leave but I block her way .

"What do you mean? You're the one who decided to choose some guy you met for a few months over her best friend and I am the one who only thinks about himself? And why are you even jealous when you were the one to push me away!" I bring up something we neve spoke about.

"I choose someone else over you not because they were more important to me than you are, it was because I couldn't bear the pain, I couldn't let you be my priority when someone else was yours, yes I was selfish but I did that to prevent my heart from breaking into a million pieces but it was useless because you're still hurting me now!!"

"Why wouldn't you be my priority, you were always first for me Y/n, you know that." I tell her But she had left already.



I was really pissed at our conversation we had at Jungkook's home and I didn't want to talk to anyone, not even Yuna.
Actually I didn't specifically want to talk to Jungkook and Yuna.

I purposely enter the lecture hall 5 mins late.
I directly go and sit on the last bench and I was happy that it was empty.

I try me best to concentrate but that stupid conversation keeps repeating in my head.

"Hey, did you write the notes up till now?" Taehyung asks me, I hadn't realised when he joined me.

"No.. I was late as well.."

"No problem I'll just ask someone else."

I just nod in reply and try my best to not locate Jungkook, I don't know since when I got this habit, whenever I was sitting in class I made sure to see where and whom was he sitting with, taking secret glances at him was a routine..

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