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Ohh about not caring...
Are you still in contact with Jimin?" He trailed off his time sounding as if he didn't want to hear what I was about to tell him but I couldn't lie to please him.

"Y-yeah we're still together.." I didn't mean to sound sad, it just came out like that, I was very much happy with the relationship.

"Still? Oh great that was a good reminder I should stay away from you.." He said standing up as he took his bag ready to leave.. again..

"What? No Jungkook..."

"Let's talk about this later I need to interact with other students here, after all I have to make friends since the old ones didn't last long enough.."

"It's not what you--"

"Heyy, am I interrupting you I wanted to ask you if you wanted to join me, I ma going to the canteen." Yuna asks me and I slightly got irritated at her to interrupt our conversation but deep down I knew Jungkook wouldn't talk to me anymore and I would just be blaming Yuna without a reason.

"No, I'd love to go with you i am hungry as well..." I wasn't but Jungkook made it clear he didn't want to see my face anymore and i wasn't going to be the one initiating a conversation with him if he didn't want to, it was now about my ego, o have no idea when this thing came between us but now it mattered a lot.

Yuna and I clicked together the very first instant and I knew we were going to be together for long..
Maybe longer than Jungkook and I, Yuna was a girl after so the problems were reduced to a great extent, I hope...

Atleast there won't be problems that I had with Jungkook.. I thought.


I leave the the men's room covering my face with my hair as much as I could the last thing I want in this world was letting people think I with Jungkook okay maybe us fighting was the last thing I would have wanted but that has happened already and can't be changed.

"Y/n is it just me or did you just leave the men's room." Yuna crosses her arm eyeing me closely.

"What no come here." I quickly shut her up before someone else could hear what she said.

"Now tell me." She confronts me once again.

"What no! I just entered the room by mistake and quickly left when I realised it wasn't ladies room!"

"And how did you realise.. did you see someone.." she Wiggles her eyebrows and I would have laughed at how funny she was looking but my mood was kinda ruined by him.

"Shut up okay and tell me are you really going to meet Jungkook again?" I ask her firstly because I had to change the topic and I was also genuinely hoping she changed her mind.

"Y/n listen to me, I know your feelings for him but I want you to be happy about this, I know he's just having fun and isn't serious, I am not either." She assures she was okay with this being just for "fun".

"What feelings Yuna?" I ask getting pissed at this thing being mentioned by them.

"You know exactly what but it's okay Y/n I'm not stealing him just borrowing him for a while." She said winking at me and I was at loss of words.

"Who? W-- what?" I ask in disbelief but my reaction didn't last long as some jerk bumped into my shoulder and it so intense I fell back on the lockers.

"Yunaa... Let's go I've been dying to see you."

"I'm ready." She chirped.

I just walked away I couldn't see this anymore."

"By the way Y/n.." the jerk addresses me now.

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