Chapter 14:Late

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Did you just call me short?

"Did you just say I deserve being choked?

"Im not going with you." I was about to get down when he placed him hand on my thigh holding me down.


"W-ehy not." I stutter, his hand on my thigh was making my stomach feel weird.

"Because I don't want you to pull my tshirt again when you try to sit, now let's go because we're running late." He said finally moving his hand away to show me the time.

"Okay." I say as he starts his bike.

I make sure to keep a decent distance between us but as soon as he starts speeding up I felt like I'd fall back.

"Jungkook! Slow down and don't apply breaks all of a sudden or I'll fall back!"

"Y/n you'll have to hold onto me if you don't want to fall."

"Are you kidding me I'm not sticking my body to yours." And right then he applies break all of a sudden which makes me hold onto his waist to not fall back. He stops his bike and removes his helmet so that he didn't have to shout to be audible.

"Y/n are you kidding me? Is this your first time sitting on a bike?'

"Yes it is you jerk!" And the sudeen happiness on his face was definitely not something I could miss.

"Okay then listen if you don't hold onto me you will definitely fall off, also if you really want to complain about it right now then we're missing the first lecture."

"Okay let's go." I say as I hold the corner of his tshirt, leaning a bit forward but not sticking my body to his entirely.

Once we reach the campus he parks his bike and I get down, getting down was a little easier as compared to climbing up.

I start running towards the lecture hall leaving him behind since I knew Jungkook who was faster obviously would get ahead of me in no time so i was running and was expecting him to run ahead of me but instead he got behind me to hold my bag up sharing the weight of my bag so I could run faster, why does he have to be so considerate at times.

We gets into the classroom and Jungkook goes in first and sits on his seat beside Tae where I've been sitting for the past few days, I had decided this morning to fix everything with Yuna so I go and sit beside her.

We keep talking in between the lecture here and there about random things not really touching the topic we should actually talk about.

My phone rings indicating I recieved a message and oh god please save me as soon as my phone rings everyone turns around, I literally forgot to put my phone on silent, I quickly apologize and put my phone on silent, I check the message and I see it was Jungkook so I turn around to glare at him making sure he realises I'm going to kill him.

'why didn't you sit here?'

'Just because' I reply because I didn't want to tell him that I was trying to clear things up with Yuna especially over a text.

'cool.' well he didn't actually sound cool so I turn around to look at him after annoying him a little to see he had actually saved a seat for me.

'i didn't notice you had a seat for me also I need to talk to Yuna."

I didn't recieve any messages after that.

The entire day went by as I spent time with Yuna after the lectures we went to the practical hall where we did our individual experiments to check hemoglobin content in blood, when we first had to prick ourselves it was a nightmare for me I almost cried before pricking myself and honestly it's still painful so I avoid pricking myself by making excuses here and there.

"You can do this with me."Yuna suggests and I observe how she does it incase if I have to do it later.

I was happy we were getting along like before and I wasn't acting dumb anymore.

I didn't talk to Jungkook during break either because he hangs out with his group and it would be weird if I joined them.

Once college was over I walk to the bus stop, Jungkook picked me up this morning but we never spoke about how I'll go back also I didn't want to be a bother so I wait at the bus stop for the bus when a bike stops in front of me.


"Get on!

"I-- uh, okay."

No one spoke after that, we reach my apartment and Jungkook parks his bike getting off as he removed his helmet and gloves, maybe he wants to talk.

"Thank you for today." I say and that was I guess the most awkward thanks ever.

"Do I look like I'm providing services here." He replies rudely.

"No but you picked me up and also dropped me off so--

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"No but you picked me up and also dropped me off so--


"Im going back." I decide it's better to leave knowing he is mad about something.

"Let's go then." He says getting off his bike as he holds my wrist dragging me towards the elevator.

"What you're coming with me?" I ask surprised by his actions.

"We have to talk.

"Umm, okay but no ones home.." I blurt out like a fool



We take the elevator and the tension was too much once the elevator door opens I quickly exit walking towards the door to open it, as I press the code I could feel his presence behind, he was standing close.

"I'll keep my bag and be back make yourself comfortable." I say and quickly leave to go to my room, putting my bag on the floor I quickly use the washroom before going back to see him sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone.

I take a seat beside him.

"Y/n.. are you mad at me?" He asks and that wasn't what I had expected him to talk about.

"No, why would I be?"

"I-- you were weird today"

"I was?" I was genuinely confused.

"You didn't talk to me all day."

"I didn't get a chance to.. also I didn't know what to talk about ."

"Are you sure there's nothing more.. I mean we're talking now but you still seem a bit distant."

"Jungkook, we didn't talk for 3years and just because we made up now doesn't mean we can just get back to normal, relationships need time to build and we haven't even spoken about our problem yet, I have no clue why we stopped talking in the first place--"

"Quit pretending Y/n, you do have a clue."

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