Chapter 19: Hospital

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We were laughing right now but bcak then we were scared to death after seeing Jimin who couldn't close his mouth after Jungkook punched him


"Jimin what--" Jungkook freezes when he realises Jimin wasn't sitting on the couch but between my legs,since I came in view a little later.

Shit I must have forgotten to put the latch when Jimin came in.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing." He says as he moves forward and without another thought and punches Jimin righ into his jaw Making him fall of the couch.

"Jimin!" A scream leaves my mouth as I quickly get off the couch to check on him.

I hold his arm and help him sit on the couch but before I could ask him if he was okay Jungkook was already there ready to hit him once again.

Without another thought I stand in between them.

"Jungkook!!! Stop it!" I stop him by placing a hand on his chest forcing him to move behind.

"What the hell was he doing?! Im going to kill him!" He shouts making me flinch.

"Jungkook!! We were making out!! We're dating!!" I quickly tell him just in case if he misunderstood this entire situation.

"You are what?"

"I am dating Jimin an--" before I could continue I heard a whine behind me so I turn around to check on him and to my horror Jimin was sitting with an open mouth.

"Shit he can't close his mouth! Does it hurt a lot?" I ask and he only nods in reply.

"How are we fixing this?" I ask glaring at Jungkook who was still trying to process everything.

"I'll get a cab, let's take him to the hospital."

We got to the hospital and Jimin was inside right now with the doctor and we were told to wait outside for him and I was dreading this more, they could atleast let one of us inside so didn't have to face Jungkook.

We sit outside in the waiting area and none of us said a word, I was trying to think what to say exactly like do I say.

'I was going to tell you

'I didn't tell you because you never tell me

Or maybe

'hey Jungkook so I am dating our friend and today he was here to take me out on a date when I lied to you??

"Are you okay?" He asks bringing me out of my lame thoughts of confession.

"Huh?" I was surprised by his question.

"Are you okay Y/n?" He asks once again confirming that I had heard the right thing.

"Obviously I am, it's Jimin who must be in pain." I remind him.

"What about me then?"

"He didn't hit you." I didn't understand what he was talking about, he was weirdly calm which meant he was going to burst sooner or later.

"But I'm hurt." He states and my dumb brain processed what he was talking about.

"I know Jungkook it's my fault I didn't tell you but you reacting that way was wrong."

"That's right it's my fault to trust that jerk and let him get so close to you." He was mad.

"What are you saying? Can't I date whoever I want?"

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