Chapter 26: LIE

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Next day

Sunday was 4 days away which meant I had to face Jungkook and yesterday after passing out on the couch for few hours I had stayed up all night thinking about everything all over again.

But what I was worried about the most was how to talk to Jungkook, I honestly never thought that such an event could occur in our friendship, no doubt Jungkook is amazing but that doesn't mean I think of him romantically.

I'd be lying if I said I never did but that was when I was really young but Jungkook had always set boundaries when it came to physical stuff or anything which could make me feel anything more than a sister.

But he was quite sincere yesterday and I just basically don't know what to do, I didn't even talk to anyone because I wanted to figure out what I want before discussing it with someone. In the end the only thing I decided was to act normal like how we do every day just act natural, act as if yesterday didn't happen.

I wait for Jungkook to pick me up and as soon as I see him getting closer my heart starts beating faster, I don't know why I was nervous to see someone I see almost everyday and felt nothing but today was different.

I awkwardly look at everything except his face to prevent any unwanted eye contact as I walk closer to his bike to get on it.

"Hey." He greets me.

"Oh heyy." That was the most awkward hey I said in my entire life.

"Let's go."

"Yeah sure let's go."
The entire trip to college was super awkward exactly what I didn't want it to be.

We don't utter a word after that even the lectures went by without a joke or even a word for that matter, Yuna was the only one talking here and there and all I did was respond to her.

I didn't want to ignore him but he wasn't even trying to talk to me so what do I even do?!

Hoping we could just talk it out.

Yuna caught on our weird behaviour and cornered me.

"Nothing happened!" I deny any knowledge to her.

"Spill it already, did you gets do something?" She asks and I get worked up.

"No! Why would we do something! Jungkook came over but that doesn't mean we did something and what do you even mean by something!?"


"Oh my god yuna!! No how can you--
No we didn't he just confessed to me!" How could she bluntly say such a thing.

"Knew something was up, anyways so did you tell him you like him back or something or you'll went straight to the deed." She was getting excited without a reason.

"Shut up, no deed was done and why would I say I like him back when I don't." I act cool even though I just felt a shiver run down my spine after imagining what she just said.

"You don't?" She acts surprised.

"I mean I like him as a friend only and not that way."

"Keep saying that to yourself and when he gets over you and finds another girl don't come crying to me."

"I would because I don't feel for him that way and even if I cry I won't come to you." I was mad at her for saying that.

"So you'll cry for him? That means you like him." She is crazier than I am.

"Yuna donot put it in my head."

"Okay it's up to you but don't miss this chance I'm telling you, he really loves you and I can say that just by the way he looks at you, he really cares for you Y/n and you love him back you just haven't realised it."

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