Chapter 40: Counselling

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"This feels soo good, I really wanted to hug you as well but I thought you would want to take things slow.."

"It's a hug kook, it's not like I'm giving you a head."

I tease him and the next thing I know is he pulls me in tighter his hand which was on my waist was on my head suffocating me.

I try to push him away but he doesn't let go, so what I do next was a consequence of his own action.

I bite him.

"Ouch, y/n!!"

"Hehe.." I nervously laugh running away from him.

"Come here.." He doesn't move keeping one palm over his chest rubbing over the area and the other hand he motions towards me to come forward.

Was our relationship going to take another step? Will he punish me now?

"No.." I reply coyly waiting for him to just grab me and throw me on the couch.

"You're in for trouble you know?" He warns.

"And how is that?" I act dumb.

"I'll eat your half of your chicken for punishment."

What the hell JEON!" I didn't know what to say, is this how you punish your girlfriend?

"Come on stop playing around the foods getting cold."

"Boring.." I keep standing at the corner of the couch face turned away from him.

"I heard you."

"Good, so change that-- aooo kook!" Before I could finish he pulled me so both of us were now sitting down on the floor, he kisses me before turning towards the table to unpack our lunch.
I wanted to keep glaring at his side but no matter how hard I tried the smile couldn't stop from coming to my face.

"Here." He brings the spoon near my mouth to feed me and I forget everything but decide to enjoy the moment and take it slow, that would be the best.


3 months later

"Let's hangout." Yuna chirps though the phone.

"We decided to rest today.." I whine, I was sprawled on my bed,
We were done with our exams, completed first year and even though our results weren't out yet, I am pretty sure No one would fail.

"It's 7 in the evening and it's been almost five hours since we finished our exams and I think that's enough rest." She says.

"I know but I'm a mess and--

"I'll be leaving in 2 days and won't be back till the next semester begins, since you're a mess how about getting ourselves groomed, I'm a mess as well and you have Jungkook to impress." She lures me by saying the right things.

Without another word I was up already walking towards my cupboard to get something more presentable to wear.

"I'll pick you up in 30 mins, don't make me wait." I inform her.

"You really want to impress him don't you? But I dont think you need to do anything for that, he's alreeady wipped." She teases me but instead of getting shy I'm upset.

"I'll tell you when we meet."


" I don't think he likes me romantically, I knew thus would happen, we've been around each other forever--" We're back at my place after going to the salon and relaxing ourselves we decided to spend some time together drinking and also I didn't want to talk in public about my relationship with kook so here we are.

"What are you talking about?" Yuna was confused as ever.

"I did research and there have been cases where people misunderstand their feelings.."

"What about you?" She asks me.

"Well I love him romantically and that's the problem." I take a shot pushing my hair into a messy bun.

"What are you even talking about?"

"Okay, this is something I've never spoken about to anyone....
Jungkook and I have been dating for 3 months now and we haven't gone beyond kissing." I start explaining.

"Oh.. it's not that big, I mean you guys decided to take it slow keep it a secret or whatever." She doesn't think it's a big deal.

"Okay, there's more..
Once we kissed,... and I thought it was finally getting into something but he stopped-"

"Stopped kissing you?"

"He stopped my hand." I look down in embarrassment.

"What was your hand doing?" She asks a little too fast.

"Oh my god this is soo embarrassing." I take  a few more shots before I speak.

"We were kissing and I started touching him.." I say softly hoping Yuna didn't hear me even though I need to tell her.

"What was he doing?" She doesn't react to my confession but asks me about the details.

"He was holding me so I didn't fall from his lap and then we were really close and my hand went down and I started stroking him and he stopped me.."

"Oh that's.." She was more embarrassed than I was.

"Embarrassing I know."

"What did he do next?"

"He said we should continue studying anatomy since there's only a week left for exams." I explain a defeated sigh leaving me mouth.

"That's it? Okay tell me was he hard?" She continues interrogating.

"He was, I felt it that's why I did.. what I did..
I also tried to seduce him, I think he isn't attracted by me that way..." I start crying because I was hurt to know I wasn't attractive."

"Okay first of all he wouldn't be kissing you if he wasn't attracted and second he might have his reasons.."

"Every single time?"

"We'll figure that out, tell me what you did to seduce him?"

"No, you'll tease me about it later.."

"You want to find put the actual problem don't you?"

"I firstly told him to sleep over and he rejected then one time I literally straddle him just to fix his hair and I even walked in on him with just a towel."

"Wow." She was genuinely shocked not expecting this one bit.

"He ran away that time saying Taehyung needs his help urgently when I'm pretty sure I needed his help much more."I mumble the last part taking another shot.

"Considering how you've been hesitating to date him this should be the other way around don't you think? But whatever, I have an idea." Exactly my point

"Should I flash him??" I don't know what came over me when I said that, was I soo desperate?

"Oh my god, you're drunk already..
You don't have to do that just call him and tell him to come over, I'll leave when he's nearby and you guys can talk." She gives a lame ideaaa I have beterrrr idiaa~~

"Sure, but I don't want to talk, we've been talking always, I want to f*ck~~
I want him to sp*nk me~ I want to--

"That's enough, I'm calling him now, okay?"


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