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"Then what's the problem let's walk."

"Jungkook you're acting weird--"

"You wanted to go with Jimin, didn't you!"

"What? No! I told you I didn't know why he was here!" Another lie

"Wearing these clothes?"

"What's wrong with them, can't I dress up?!

"Y/n it's cold and what you're wearing--

"Is your jacket which I didn't want so here's your jacket and I am going home! Alone!"


I get into my house and make sure to latch it so Jungkook doesn't enter using the spare keys, I see a few messages from Jimin.

'was really looking forward for our date today'

'lets do it some other day'

'i miss you

'are you having fun without me :(

I quickly call him not knowing what to do I was crying already but once he takes the call I try my best to not let my voice quiver.

'Hey how did you call? what is Jungk--'

'I am home.' I inform him.


'I- I wasn't feeling my best so-- i came back' I tell him.

'Where's Jungkook?'

'Not with me' I kept my answer short because i didn't want him to know I was crying.

'You want me to come over?' I think for a moment before replying.

'I- yes..'

' I'll be there in 5.'


I quickly change , putting on a sweatshirt on since it was actually quite cold and wash my face where I had another breakdown, it was maybe the guilt or maybe I was just pissed that Jungkook was being rude when he was the one who ruined my date, but then again he didn't know I was going out on a date.

The bell rings and I quickly open the door and move to the side to let Jimin enter as I quickly shut it right after.

He quickly pulls me into a hug.

"I thought I had to wait till tomorrow to hug you, thank you for letting me come over." I didn't reply to his words because I was already crying


"Oh my god Y/n, it's okay let's sit."

He makes me sit in the couch and and cups my face.

"What is it? Something happened with Jungkook?"

I just nod in reply

"Is he mad because of me?"

"I don't know but maybe he is." I knew he was.

"I think we should tell him about us Y/n."

"I wanted to but I don't know how he'll react when I tell him."

"I don't get your point what do you mean how."

"Jimin I kept this a secret from him and--

"So what Y/n, it's your personal life and he also keeps secrets I'm sure he won't be that mad." Well Jimin was right, Jungkook keeps secrets.

"You're right but I am not sure if I can tell him about this right away ." I was still hesitating, it just felt wrong to hide things from him.

"If you want I can talk to him." Jimin wasn't getting my point.

"No, that way he'll be more upset I'll have to be the one to tell him and I'll do it, soon."

"Good now what do you want to do now?"

"What do you want?" I ask him back we were sitting do close to each other that my breathing had gotten heavy and I could really use some fresh air.

"If you ask me that way..
I want you, Y/n I wanted to tell you this before we were interrupted but you were looking pretty today."

"Thank you-- and he kisses me and I pause for a second before kissing him Back one thing leading to the other and I was now lying on the couch Jimin's body on top of mine as he trails kisses down my neck.

"Get rid of this." He mutters as he frustratedly tried to pull of my hoodie and he was half way through when the lights suddenly turn on.

"Jimin what--" Jungkook freezes when he realises Jimin wasn't sitting on the couch but between my legs,since I came in view a little later.

Shit I must have forgotten to put the latch when Jimin came in.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing."  He says as he moves forward and without another thought and punches Jimin righ into his jaw Making him fall of the couch.



I actually did have an idea but I wanted to hear it from Jungkook because he was the one to break things off.

"You think I'm pretending?" I donot accept in front of him.

"So you want me to believe that you are soo clueless about anything happening around you that you don't know why we never spoke for 3years, also why didn't you approach me if I didn't talk to you."

"Jungkook, I-- , I don't know and I asked you first!" There I was with my silly argument again.

"I need sometime Y/n." He finally agrees.

"That's fine Jungkook but let's fix this." I say genuinely meaning every word.

"But why did you break up with Jimin, did you like someone?" He gets back to the same question.

"Why is that important?"

"I told you it is."

"I'll tell you when you're ready to tell me."

'deal' we were interrupted by the bell and I'm glad because there was nothing more to say.

"I'll get the door."

"And I'll get going I'll pick you up at 8 tomorrow, don't be late." I know he was trying to lighten the mood by teasing me so i play along

"Sure, that if you wake up on time."

"Why don't you wake me up?" He suggests out of the blue as he puts his shoes on.


"Just call me whenever you wake up." He explains as he gets the door to see Jihyo unni.

"Took you long enough!" She complains as soon as we open the door.

"I'm sorry Unnie."

"Don't be sorry just do your business in the room next time so I don't have to see you'll naked when I use my keys to open the door."


"I'll be leaving, bye ." With that Jungkook quickly leaves.


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