Chapter 45: I'm ready.

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Y/n Pov

"You meant every bit of it Jimin you're the worst manipulator and I'm glad you're going away make sure to never show your face to us and if you ever try contacting Y/n ever again it won't just end with a punch." I warn him.

"If that's what you want, I'll leave." He shrugs acting as if he doesn't really understand how severe this situation is.

"Also, stay away from Yuna, I'm not letting you ruin my best friend's relationship."

"Kook." I quickly call him out pretending to look for him when I had heard every bit of it and I knew he'd be really upset, now I know why he was so upset to see Jimin's message.

"Let's go." He holds my hand pulling me outside but I stop him and tell him I had to fetch my purse and I'll be right back.

I go back to where Jimin and Kook were having a conversation.

"Jerk, I'm glad you're leaving for good, here's you farewell gift." I stomp on his foot with my heels making sure to aim his toes, I really wanted to punch him after his conversation with Kook but I didn't have the guts to, so I settled with this.

I quickly walk outside and hear Jungkook talking to someone on call, who I suppose is Tae.

"Yeah, we're leaving, I'll drop Y/n home,in 15? Okay."

"Where are you going after dropping me?" I ask him acting a little angry at his behaviour which I wasn't in fact the correct emotion to describe me would be h*rny.

"Kook?" I call him out again thinking he didn't hear me but he was actually ignoring me.

"Get on." He orders me.

"You don't order me around.
Answer my question or else I'm leaving." He doesn't answer me instead lifts me up to make me sit on his bike and then he sits in front of me.

Taking my hands to wrap them around him he starts the bike.

"You can't do that." I say flustered at what he just did, I loved it.

"Or what you did at the restaurant." I continue telling him things he can but shouldn't do.

"Or what you're doing now."

"What if I do something like that to you?hmm?" I ask in a sultry voice loosening my hand over his waist.

"I bet you'd love it so I won't."

"But what if I leave you in-between that would be soo frustrating right?" I move my hands from his waist to go up caressing his chest very slowly before going down to his abs and then lower but he catches my hand and pulls it back up. No fun.

"You're still leaving me?" When he doesn't answer again I put my hand on his thigh slowly going up.

"Why don't you come home with me, we could have fun d*ddy." He slaps my hand which was on his thigh and I remove it quickly.

I don't do anything further I know he's upset and I obviously didn't expect Jimin to be such a jerk so it's not entirely my mistake infact it is Kook's mistake for not telling me about this earlier.

Once I get off his bike I remove the helmet and put it against his chest for him to take and without another word I leave.

"Y/n." He calls out and I turn around but not to hear him out.

"Have a good time with your side chick" I give him the sweetest smile and continue walking away from him but I didn't reach far.

Jungkook came from behind taking my wrist in his hand and pulling me along with him towards the elevator.

Once we reached our floor he punches in the password to my apartment and continue drawing me inside he closes the door behind us and curse me for getting excited when I was supposed to be playing mad at him for ignoring my question earlier.

He lifts me up before throwing me on the bed and I giggle in excitement.

"You love being manhandled don't you."

He crawls on top of be before crashing his lips on mine, he was rough and I know why, he's like this when he is jealous but I don't let him take the upper hand and and keep up with him, his hand goes to my front as he gives my breast a squeeze making me moan in pleasure as he slips his tongue into my mouth and I s*ck it like the good girl I am.

He then moves down kissing every inch of me as he undresses me slowly untill I'm laying completely n*ked under him.

His hand then moves to my heat separating my folds before slipping a finger into me, I was so wet that I could already take him.

"Jungkook I think I'm ready to take you already." I say but instead of getting inside me already he almost laughs evilly.

"Why would I give you anything?" He removes his fingers leaving me empty.

"What?" I whine at the loss of any contact not bearing it anymore I thrust my hips towards him to get some friction but he places his hand on my lower belly pushing me down.

"Go to your Jimin he was offering himself anyways and you think he is good as well."

"What kook? You kidding me? I didn't mean it that way." I was mad at him from bringing up someone else at this moment.

"And I don't care, like I said I have somewhere to be." He gets out of the bed and was about to leave when I stop him.

"Kook stop right now, and look at me when you're talking to me."

"Who said you can call the shots evertime

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"Who said you can call the shots evertime."

"Yes you're right, I can't make rules in this relationship, I can't keep secrets or lie or even have a life but you can, I forgot how controlling you are but you know what Jungkook I've lived without you for two years and in that time I learnt to stand up for myself and be myself no matter what and not get blurry in the background or just be a side character to someone else's life." I burst out everything I've been holding back was coming to the surface and I didn't think we would ever have this conversation that too I such a way.

"I am my own person and you cannot control my life." With that I leave to go to the bathroom, I wasn't going to cry in front of him, I shut the door before he could catch up.

But I was wrong as soon as I turn on the facet to shower Jungkook opens the door and walks.


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