Chapter 5: Bondage

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He follows me and before I could reach the door, Jungkook slipped his arm around my waist to carry me up and placed the other hand to cover my mouth to prevent me from shouting.

"You really are stubborn now I'll have to use force on you."

He dropped me on my bed to get on top of me, he held my legs in place by holding my thighs in between his knees and held both my hands above my head, he looked around for something but I don't stop moving I try my best to get rid of him

"You'll regret not listening to me."

He removes his belt and my eyes widen in surprise I try to scream one again just for a few muffled voices to leave my mouth.

He takes the belt to tie my wrists together above my head.

He then took a scarf kept on my nightstand to tie it around my mouth.

"You know what Y/n, I was the one who suggested talking about this peacefully but I like this better, seeing you to tied up under me being all submissive..
I definitely like this."

"Mh hhh"

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"Mh hhh"

"Well I was here to tell you not to show up at Tae's party so you better listen to me because I won't go easy on you like I am going this time.."


"Aww does the little kitten want to say something, okay let's make a deal you don't shout and I make sure to open your hands before I leave." He makes a deal

I quickly nod in agreement and he removes the scarf.

"Jeon Jungkook you ficking pervert how dare you tie me like this.."

"You know I prefer you not talking and ruining the moment..
Maybe I should gag you next time and you'll learn your lesson

"You better get out of here right now you pervert!"

"Why? I didn't kick you out of the shower room." He purposely reminds me of my shameless actions.

"Why the hell do you think I'll listen to you and not attend the party."

"Just because I don't want you there, seeing you around ruins our mood."

"And would you enlighten who is this 'our' " I ask with gritted teeth, oh how much I wish my hands were free and i would make sure to pull his hair out of his head to leave him bald!

"Your bestfriend" and your bestfriend" he brings it up again.

"I would have considered if they were my bestfriends.."

"Are you trying to date Tae?" He asks out of the blue.

"You think I'm like you? I don't go around dating people."

"That's right you fuck around." He blames me, when he doesn't have the right to point fingers when he's the biggest fuckboy I've seen in my entire life.

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