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Jungkook and I have been spending enough time lately which Jimin said was a bit disappointing since he was also leaving for college but I couldn't just suggest that we let Jimin join us so I was in a bit of situation but it wasn't anything that bad.

Right now, we were at our favourite cafe and one thing Jungkook and I had decided was to try out every single thing that they sell here before he leaves because we never know when we get time to visit this place again so basically we've been hanging out here a lot lately.

Both of us order something we would never ever buy a lemon and a sweet potato flavored cake, that could be the stupidest idea but I don't know why we were doing this, we were still left to go hiking and amusement park but being very busy with school I couldn't get an entire day off so we did only stupid stuff whenever we had time.

Once we get our orders I take a bite and it was sour, obviously it was lemon and before I realised Jungkook had already recorded my reaction.

"Jungkook!! That not fair, I'm sure I look so ugly in it."

"No you just look funny." He bursts out laughing and honestly seeing him so happy just because of that video I let him be, I mean I could continue looking funny forever if it makes him laugh like that.

"Okay now it's your turn you eat that." I motion towards his cake which I knew would still be better than mine."

"No I want you to try it first."

"That's cheating you have to eat that."

"Oky then if you feed me." He said as he opens his mouth for me to give him a bite.

I purposely take a very big amount on my fork so that I won't have much left to eat also I wanted to tease him, even though I knew he would be whiny about it and make me put most of it back.

But unexpectedly he eats it all and makes a face similar to mine as I laugh at him just like he did a few minutes back.

But unexpectedly he eats it all and makes a face similar to mine as I laugh at him just like he did a few minutes back

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But my laughter comes to a sudden halt when I see my boyfriend standing just behind Jungkook.


Did I say it wasn't too bad? Well I just lied, no not to you, to Jimin, before Jungkook asked me to hang out I already had plans with Jimin but I lied to him by saying I was unwell and now I was here nicely feeding my bestfriend, I must look like a bitch right now.

"Looks like you're having fun." He said as he joins us on the table.

"Jimin i--

"Yes we were before you came in." Jungkook cuts me off, why doesn't he understand that I am in a situation right now.

"My girlfriend seems to have enjoyed her time with you but now we're leaving." Jimin replies gritting his teeth, ever since Jungkook has learnt that Jimin and I are dating he had subtly given Jimin a cold shoulder infact I've never been with them together at the same time it was either Jungkook or Jimin.

But the point is that even if Jungkook is so rude to Jimin, Jimin never replies to his snarky comments he simply ignores him, he doesn't tries to talk nor pick a fight but today was not like the other days he was even addressing me as his girlfriend and it seems like it was on purpose.

"And who said you can?" Jungkook asks glaring at Jimin.

"Who said I can't?" He reciprocates his feelings.

"Jimin I--

"Y/n you're staying right?" Jungkook cuts me off before I could tell something to calm Jimin a bit


"You have something to explain don't you?" Jimin cuts me off.

"Jimin let's--

"Y/n we still have our drinks coming." Jungkook gives a lame excuse to make me stay but I can't blame him because he doesn't know I lied to Jimin.

"I know--

"Aren't you even sorry?" Jimin asks me.

"Y/n you said---

"Stop it guys!! What the hell, I want to spend time with both of you but you will never stop fighting!!" Honestly I was being a bit biased to say that to Jimin as well but he never did anything to fix their friendship either.

"That's not happening so Y/n you choose whom you want to spend time with." Jimin directly asks me choose between them without any hesitation, I don't know what was happening I was so happy for a moment and then this all of a sudden?!

"Jimin what are talking about you know you're both imp--

"Y/n, he's right make a choice." Jungkook replies and I donot understand, are they kids? Aren't they mature even to understand that we can't just choose to have someone and leave the other, we're not toys.
They are not toys for me to choose between them!

"You know what, I don't want to be with you'll right now I'm leaving!"


I directly go home and my parents were home, can there be a better timing, I mean I am so stressed right now that I don't think I can even be happy and spend time with them.

"Y/n I'm preparing dinner let's eat together." My mom calls out from the kitchen so I go to her and hug her.

"Is everything alright?"

"I just miss you a lot mom."

"I know you do, I'll try to get a week off next month once we get a substitute doctor who can look after the hospital and we'll go on a trip."

"I'd love to." I reply not really excited about it because there was too much in my mind to think about a trip.

"Did something happen?"

"Not really.." I lie because I barely get to spend some time with my parents and I wouldn't want it to be wasted over a issue where two boys can't act like grown ups.

"I'm sure you can handle it on your own, if not you know I'm here for you, even if I'm busy I'm only a call away and you know that."

"I know mom." I smile feeling a lot better than I was before, we stay like that for some time before my mom tells me to go wash up before joining them for dinner.

I close my room and remove the sweatshirt I was wearing it was a little suffocating.

"Are you trying to seduce me?"


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