Epilogue 1: Jealous? Insecure?

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College starts in 2 days and we're all gathered at Jungkook's place after getting everything we need for the new term.
Taehyung said it's his treat just because he wanted to stay with Yuna a little more and we were dragged into this.

"I'm ordering extra spicy tteokbokki for us what do you guys want?" Tae asks.

"Us? You're us already?" Jungkook teases for the way he addresses them.

"No, i- both of us have the same taste and-- just tell me what you want or else you'll will have to just starve."

"Tae, you hate spicy food." Jungkook says with an amusing grin over his face, he loves to tease Tae just as much as Tae does to him.

"And you're scared of horror movies." Tae disses back and before they could continue this little argument further I quickly tell Tae that jungkook and I will have the same.

"Come to my room." Jungkook whispers before leaving for his room first.

"Ahmm, I need to use the washroom, I'll be right back." I wait for a few minutes before leaving to not make it too suspicious.

"Didn't Jungkook just go the washroom?" Yuna asks Tae, I hear her but still quickly make my way inside kook's room

"Don't dirty the washroom." Tae shouts and I quickly shut the door behind me.

I was quickly pinned by Jungkook's body against mine and he crashes his lips on mine.

"Kook."I gasp for air once he stops kissing me.

"You're still talkinh to Jimin." It wasn't a question he was accusing me like I had done a crime, like I had cheated on him.


"What's this?" He shows me my phone.

"Kook, you checked my texts?" I ask surprised at his behaviour.

"He calls you baby?" He asks not looking at me because he was upset that too without a reason.

"WHat the hell no!" I was having
enough of this so I raise my voice to prove my point.

"What is this then?" He shows me the text notification I received from Jimin.

'Still sleeps like a baby'

"It's Jimin's message but--

"Would you be fine if I text my exes?" He was being unbelievable, how could he say that?

"Jungkook, you're overreacting and I think you already knew I was still in contact with Jimin, he was our friend--

"Not mine, not anymore."

"I told you we ended on a good note it was a mutual decision to not date anymore." I remind him even though we had spoken about yhis already.

"So he can still call you baby because you ended on a good note?"

"I'm not answering you, get away." I push him away unlock my phone before grabbing his hand and putting my phone on his palm.
I walk out, making sure to slam the door shut to make him understand how upset I was.

Knowing each other for soo long I thought one thing we didnt have to work on was building trust but I guess I was wrong.

I go and and pick up my purse before walking out.

"Y/n."  I heard Yuna calling me but I didn't want to cry in front of anyone so I don't wait for her but she  cathes up to me anyways.

"You okay?"

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